Shawn Walked Out of A Bank, pt. 1/2

Oct 29, 2008 00:25

Master Fic List

Title: Shawn Walked Out of A Bank, pt. 1/2
Rating:T/PG-13 for this part
Characters: Shawn/Carlton, established (brief mentions of Juliet, Gus, Henry and Luntz)
Word Count: approx. 1,300 (2,500 total)
Warnings: Bad words. People in bed together and mentions of sexual things.
Summary: 3x08 Episode Tag. Carlton feels the need to clear a few things up.
AO3 Link

Disclaimer: Honestly, I own nothing. Anyone tries to sue me they're going to end up with a ball of lint...that the bank owns half of...

Author's Note: I haven't seen many tags to "Gus Walks Into A Bank" and only a couple with Shassie goodness (if you know of any, please link me cuz I'd love to read them :). I rewatched the episode and just really felt the need to write something.

Anyway...for the purposes of this fic, assume Shawn and Carlton have been in some sort of relationship for a bit. At least long enough they spend the night together on a regular basis. Also, I may've made Lassiter's behavior during the episode a little more serious in my head for the purposes of this fic. So he may be considered slightly OOC, but who doesn't love a Worried!Lassie?

This first part's fluffy. Maybe too fluffy. I dunno. The second part is smutty and mostly pointless. I don't really know why I'm splitting the parts up. I'm still tweaking the smut a maybe that's it. It'll most likely be up sometime tomorrow. Friday at the latest.

I've yet to find a willing guinea pig beta, so there's not one. Any and all mistakes are my own. But to err is to be human...or whatever. Also, apologies for the lame title...I couldn't come up with anything better (or...I'm lazy).


It was torture on Carlton, watching the building he knew Shawn was in. The building known to hold a man with a gun. Not even the phone call from Shawn, sounding so much like himself, had completely eased the tension in Carlton’s mind and body.

When Shawn finally came out, Carlton latched onto him, almost without thinking. The ‘debriefing’ comment was unintentional, but Carlton gripped Shawn’s shoulder tighter when he responded with “I’m not wearing briefs.”

It’d been Carlton’s fault, making Shawn late to meet Gus. Delaying the morning routine was usually Shawn’s habit, but Carlton had been in a rare lazy mood. He’d easily convinced Shawn to stay in bed with him a little longer. Consequently, Shawn hadn’t had the time to go back to his own apartment. Carlton tried to consider how he would have felt if that had been his last memory of Shawn: laughing as he stubbornly squeezed into a pair of Carlton’s boxers that didn’t quite fit in at least three different ways.

Carlton paced away to hide behind a police van while Shawn stopped to talk to his father. He wiped a shaky hand down his face, trying to get a hold of himself. Shawn was safe, freaking out would be pointless.

As soon as Shawn rounded the side of the vehicle, Carlton didn’t even care that they were only a few feet from nearly all of their co-workers; not to mention a half dozen camera crews. Carlton grabbed Shawn and pulled him to him for a desperate kiss. Shawn reacted with similar enthusiasm, arms slipping under the detective’s so hands could clutch at the back of Carlton’s suit jacket. Carlton found himself pressing Shawn into the hood of the vehicle and it took a considerable amount of will power from him to pull back and not disappear into the back of the police van with him.

Shawn watched him as Carlton moved back a step, wiping distractedly at his mouth. He couldn’t even think clearly with Shawn standing there; not when he’d been so sure he was going to lose him not ten minutes before. He moved to the other side of the vehicle, trying to force his head to clear. Shawn followed.

And then there was the argument. And Shawn said he knew Carlton didn’t like him and Carlton felt hurt. He’d spent the last few hours bordering on frantic to get Shawn out of that damn bank while having to keep his cool around everyone else, and now the man was telling him he didn’t care.

Carlton barely noticed the sexy comment, too focused on not completely losing it. He had a job to finish and Shawn was apparently the last person he had to worry about.


Carlton was surprised when Shawn showed up at his house just before midnight. They’d parted at the bank that afternoon, Shawn leaving with Gus while Carlton apprehended his suspect and dealt with all the paperwork that entailed. Carlton had assumed the ‘psychic’ would be spending the night with his best friend: drinking or watching movies or whatever it was he and Gus did to celebrate they’d gotten through another day without killing themselves.

The sex was frantic. Shawn started clawing at his clothing almost before he’d managed to say ‘hello’. Carlton didn’t exactly feel the need to complain, however. He was still feeling a strange desperation to prove to himself Shawn had made it out in one piece.

Carlton was surprised when Shawn didn’t leave immediately afterward. Shawn stayed over often enough, but there’d been something about his casual demeanor and distance earlier in the day that had made Carlton believe they’d have a quick fuck before Shawn left to track down Gus and/or O’Hara.

Shawn left the bed a few minutes later and Carlton assumed he’d be leaving the house. He watched in confusion as the younger man bypassed his pile of clothing and simply disappeared into the bathroom.

Shawn flipped off the overhead light on his way back, crawling under the covers on what had become his usual side of the bed. The bed was only a full, Carlton having thought he’d be spending the rest of his days alone when he’d bought it, so Shawn was automatically close to him, warm skin just barely touching warm skin. The room settled into silence, but Carlton didn’t feel remotely like sleep.

“Why’d you say it?” Carlton whispered into the dark.

“S’what?” Shawn mumbled into his pillow. Carlton had figured out early in their ‘relationship’ that if he wanted to even attempt a serious conversation with Shawn, he had to start it when Shawn was only half-awake.

“That I don’t like you.” Carlton heard Shawn sigh and felt the mattress shift slightly. “Because I do,” Carlton said hastily, wanting to get it out before Shawn could start arguing. “I do like you.”

“No you don’t, Lassie,” Shawn said matter-of-factly. Carlton’s gut tensed in fear and frustration. Did Shawn really think he hated him?

“Shawn…” Shawn put a hand on Carlton’s bare chest, shutting him up.

“You don’t like me,” Shawn insisted. “But you do love me.” Carlton felt himself pale as his heartrate picked up.

“W-what?” he stammered. He’d never really considered it before. He knew he cared about Shawn deeply; but love? It wasn’t something Carlton had seen himself participating in again.

Shawn shifted again and Carlton could just barely make out his face in the dark above him.

“I drive you crazy; frustrate the hell out of you so much you make those cute little angry puppy looks…”

“What the hell does an angry puppy look like?” Shawn ignored Carlton’s question.

“You don’t like me. But I know you love me.” Carlton blinked, hesitating a moment before he covered Shawn’s hand with his own. There was a dim flash of white as Shawn smiled before giving him a kiss.

“Ditto, by the way,” Shawn murmured as he settled himself against Carlton’s chest.

“Huh?” Carlton asked distractedly as he wrapped his arms around his bedmate.

“I don’t like you.” Carlton’s mouth went dry when Shawn didn’t continue.

“But you love me?” Carlton finally asked, hoping it wasn’t obvious that his voice shook slightly with the question. Shawn kissed his chest, barely moving his head.

“I do,” Shawn said quietly. Carlton tightened his arms around Shawn, knowing he could probably hear just how hard his heart was pounding. It’d been a long time since anyone had told Carlton they loved him. Even his mother hadn’t said it in years.

Carlton wanted to drift off into a happy sleep, but something was still nagging at the back of his mind.

“What about O’Hara?” he asked cautiously.

“Jules? What about her?” Shawn asked around a yawn.

“You seemed…concerned...with her relationship status…” Shawn lifted his head and Carlton thought he could see him frown in the dark.

“Yeah…with Luntz. You can’t tell me you’re excited about that. The guy’s a dick and he’s totally terrible for her.” Carlton blinked up at him and Shawn sighed.

“I love Juliet,” Shawn admitted. “But like as a totally awesome, puts-up-with-my-bullshit, shares-all-the gossip-with-me, bosom buddy. There was a time when I thought I wanted to date her or whatever…”


“But then you seduced me. You sly, sexy devil, you.” Carlton scoffed.

“I seduced you?” He could hear Shawn’s grin more than he could actually see it, though his eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark.

“That’s the story I’m stickin’ to.” Shawn leaned down and kissed Carlton. “She’s not a threat to you,” he said softly. Carlton squeezed the arm he had a hand on, feeling touched and more than a little relieved.

“Now, can we go to sleep? I almost died today: I’m tired!” Carlton punched Shawn’s shoulder. “OW!”

“Just a love tap,” Carlton said with a smirk.

TBC in part 2

(pairing) shawn/carlton, (fandom) psych, slash, (fanfic) psych, (fanfic)

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