Supernatural Reaction

Jan 16, 2009 02:17

Well I just watched 4x11...and before you click on the cut I should probably warn you it's not a squee filled review...and by "reaction" I kind of mean "rant".... (This warning is to say it's not my intention to harsh on anyone else's squee)

I think my Sociology degree spoiled me for this one. As soon as there was the whole "Mother died in childbirth...daughter killed herself 20 years later" I was like "this is gonna be a feral child thing...isn't it?" Then I had hope that wasn't the case....given the obvious language skills she possess, what with her writing on walls and speaking to the boy... (Feral children aren't exactly known for their ability to communicate well) So I was like...hmm...maybe not a feral child being hidden in the attic/basement/closet.

Then she crossed the salt line. Then they found the diary. And then I was like "Are you freakin' kidding me?" Because, seriously, it's hard to sell the kid-in-the-attic storyline to someone who's read the case studies on actual kids-in-the-attic. I mean...I could buy her ability to speak. But reading and writing? That has to be taught (despite some of the folklore that floats around concerning Abe Lincoln). And given the conditions in which the lovely children were's not exactly plausible that ol' Daddy Dearest sat them down for lessons.

I felt kind of...betrayed...or something. It was like
"How can we do a creepy girl in the walls?"
"Well we could make her the inbred daughter of this old dude that we kill off right away."
"Should we research it? Come up with a bit of a backstory?"
" of the mother/daughter should do it. Maybe a diary? Someone'll write a fanfic about the childhood."
"Dude...we should totally throw in a brother."
"What like Sam or Dean?"
" crazy inbred son."
"But we already wrote most of the episode."
"That's cool. We'll just throw him in at the end."
I mean...seriously...what happened to the research part of this show? Sam had nothing to say about feral kids? He never had a psychology/sociology class? HE'S THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WEIRDNESS!! HE KNOWS RANDOM SHIT!! They closest they had was Dean making the comment about the Austrian headline. I'm not quite sure that's the same...

Also....People Under the Stairs much?

Anyway, aside from what I think is a fairly big omission on the show's part...this episode had a few good creep moments. And there was brotherly concern. And I really enjoyed Jensen's acting this episode. And Jared was tall.

I dunno...I think this is just me trying to find fault with a show that's slowly been losing my interest. Not only do I feel like there's a flaw in the history of the MOtW...I feel like they missed out on a fundamental part of Sam's character. A fundamental part of Sam's character that I fell in love with way back in the first season. And what was with the brother's going in unarmed? At least one of them didn't have a firearm tucked away somewhere? Especially when they heard the chick scream? Does that even sound like Dean!?

If this had been another probably wouldn't have bothered me so much. But it seems like Supernatural used to be such a stickler for the details. If something on the show deviated from standard myth/legend/folklore it was explained. And "Humans" shouldn't work as an excuse. (They seemed to rustle up enough of a backstory for "The Benders") I guess I just got used to holding my show to a high standard. Also, maybe it's not fair to judge it while I'm sleep-deprived (though, to be fair...I'm nearly always a little sleep-deprived).

Maybe I'll rewatch it later and see I missed something and delete this post or something. Sorry for the bitching. I swear it's okay if you actually enjoyed the episode (and to tell me that you did).

(rl) my bs, episode review, linkage, book smart learnin', bitch bitch bitch, (fandom) supernatural

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