Jan 29, 2008 20:18
It's like I am on a train headed in no particular direction. The feeling...not fleeting, but exciting. I hope it never stops.
You know, it's almost over, and I don't want to have any regrets or wander what if, so let's just have fun
d o gg
May 13, 2007 19:23
I feel as if here lately we have lost touch, and for that I am truly sorry. So we should start to hangout again :) Because you're my best friend and yea, I miss you.
grill cheese omlette d' fromage
Mar 10, 2007 09:03
I almost lost it all today. Life is too short, don't tarry now, move along. I feel an utmost sense of graciousness.
Feb 28, 2007 21:46
awoken in a pool of blood? I have. Now my covers might be ruined. I think I am dieing haha. meh.
Feb 15, 2007 20:27
My sister confided in me that she was going to try her hand at vegetarianism. I think I will too :) who knows?
Feb 07, 2007 18:55
Seriously though, I either have a drought or a fucking flood. Why can't things ever be normal? It is either like too many people showing interest or like no one at all. It is soo easy to fuck up.
Feb 05, 2007 22:02
I really don't know what to say. I just..don't know what to say. I am a piece of shit maybe? idk somethign along those lines. I can't I guess. I have already what I have not. pff who knows or really gives a fuck.
Jan 29, 2007 00:27
I grow ever weary under the manacles of conviction. Tresspassing am I upon forlorn land, or is it I who is forlorn and trodden upon?
Dec 20, 2006 20:46
So now it has been 2 months. :-/ cool. The phone rings two ways, yet his fingers still remain lame.
I miss you dad.