Title: IDFK Rating: PG Summary: I really am not good at drawing profiles, its sketchy because my tablet is ghei and I decided to just color and not re-do the lines. -fails- it's one of those almost-kisses. Sam's hair is longer because he'd be about 16 in the movie, so he's 18+ in this picture to make him legal. IDFK
Hello all~! My name is PR/Psycho Rooster/Zim and I've somehow fallen in love with this sick and twisted and utterly beautiful pairing that is BeeSam. I blame the fic Combustion, on ff.net
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Hey guys, this is Iruka_Tsuki, you're lovable fluff writer. I wanted to post in this name for future reference in case I post anything in this name on accident.
Also, I come in attempt to recruit for the new TF RP community. We really would like some more members. @.@
Sadly....I bring no stories this time around...someone give me ideas! T.T
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, (I missed out on about a week of action on the comm.) but has anyone heard anything about the new 2007/2008 Transformers series?
Since I'm going to be busy the next few months, what with school starting up and all, I decided to leave a story before I can't write anymore. Enjoy
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Hey everyone! As some may know, Flarn's birthday is this Wednesday, but seeing as I just remembered I'm not going to be home til late that day, I wrote a little story. Its two days early, I know, but what's the point in complaining
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