Another Fic: Sequel to Sam's Ponderings

Aug 16, 2009 20:54

The plot bunny that bit me must have had rabies, because I have no other explanation for how this thing put itself together. I didn't plan for it to be near as long as it turned out to be., nor how close I got to actually writing a sex scene. Nothing too graphic, but I'd call it not work safe just to cover all the bases.

Title: Bee's Ponderings
Pairing: Sam/Bee, past Sam/Mikaela, and Mikaela/OC
Rating: R for non-graphic sex
Warnings: Possessive Bee, romance/mushiness galore, nearly complete disuse of dialog
Summary: Post RotF. Takes place 6 months after Sam's Ponderings. Bumblebee's own thoughts on his rapidly developing relationship with Sam.

Six months was hardly a substantial amount of time. Even by human standards,  the passing of six months is certainly nothing to be concerned with, simply half a year’s time during the seven or eight decades that a human might achieve in their lifetime. And for a Cybertronian such as Bumblebee, six months could be measured to be as little as the time taken between one step and the next, the amount so infinitesimal.

However, for Bumblebee, the past six months had been nothing close to insignificant.

He would be hard pressed to state exactly when it began to happen, but the most obvious signs were the decreasing visits, phone calls, and webcam chats. Mikaela simply began to call less frequently and spent less time with Sam when he would return to his parent’s home during breaks at his college.

Although it could be said that Sam didn’t throw himself into trying to win back Mikaela’s interest in him, Bumblebee felt it was not entirely his fault the relationship was disintegrating. A young adult male, a few years older than Sam, started working at the motorcycle garage that Mikaela’s father owned. From Mikaela’s description, he was seemingly pleasing to look at, well versed in automobile arrangement, humorous, and a gentleman.

From that point, the phone calls between the two became even rarer, and from Bumblebee’s point of view, a bit comical, for Mikaela talked more and more about Caleb, the young adult male at her father’s garage, and Sam talked more and more about him. Neither seemed to notice or care that they were not the center of conversation for the other.

It finally came to a head two months after Sam had gone back to college after the defeat of the Fallen. One simple phone call was all it took, no violence or accusations, or even raised voices, just straightforward acceptance of the ending and a mutual promise to stay as friends and keep in touch.

After that phone call, the steadily growing affection between Bumblebee and Sam practically exploded in a supernova of understanding and learning. They talked more than ever, often about things that Sam wouldn’t even have talked to Mikaela about, only Bumblebee.

About a month after the break-up between Sam and Mikaela, Bumblebee took several trips to Ratchet, to ensure that his holoform programming was up to date. He wanted to do as many things together with Sam as he could, and many of those things could not be accomplished even in his alt mode.

Technically, Bumblebee was not even supposed to be on campus, due to college’s rule of freshman not being allowed ‘cars’. However, with the past event of Sam being kidnapped by Decepticons and nearly having his brain surgically removed, all while attending college at the time, his parent were quite happy to bully and contribute their way into Bumblebee being allowed to be ‘brought’ to campus.

In hindsight, Bumblebee was very glad he took the initiative to make sure his holoform was up to par, for it wasn’t a month after doing so that he received his first kiss from Sam. What started out as a quick, tender brush of lips swiftly turned into their first of numerous to come ‘make-out sessions’ as Sam pleasurably termed it.

So soft lips that shyly opened for a bold tongue, wet, hot twining of tongues that fought, but didn’t fight all at once, possessive, yet delicate hold of a face that held brown eyes that strived to stay open, but eventually slipped closed in bliss.

The next few months to come seemed to both drag and fly by at once. Time appeared to crawl when he was waiting for Sam to get out of class or finish homework he had been assigned. Though, when they were together, time seemed to speed up, and a single evening could pass and feel like only a few hours had occurred.

Touches between the two became more and more frequent as well; holding hands when alone, to the average person seemingly casual brushing of arms and shoulders, heated looks, stolen kisses in deserted hallways, and sneaking off to do acts unspeakable in public within a certain yellow camaro with black racing stripes.

Bumblebee had even begun to walk Sam to his classes, and it was a testament to Sam’s devotion that he only argued about it for three days before giving up and allowing it with only a slightly frustrated smile.

Before either of them truly realized it, six months had passed and after a slow and heated make-out session on Sam’s bed, a rare indulgence since Leo was out for a few days due to something going on with his website, Sam hesitantly asked for Bumblebee if he would like to take the final physical aspect of their relationship that they hadn’t done yet.

Of course, Sam said though he felt he was ready, it was up to Bumblebee to decide.

He knew that perhaps it was too soon, that he should hold back and allow Sam more time to accustom himself to their relationship. But Sam had looked up at him with that begging look, a silent plea for Bumblebee to ease his longing and tormented wait, and who was Bumblebee to deny him? After all, Sam was his one weakness, the one whom he could deny nothing. If Sam had asked for the sun, Bumblebee would have gone into orbit and burnt away to cinders trying to capture it and bring it back.

So he had gathered Sam back into his arms, stroking, undressing, caressing, and preparing him until he was mindless with pleasure, and then proceeded to take the virginity that Sam whispered in his ear was only for him to claim.

Sweat-slickened skin, shuddering gasps, moans and groans of pleasure, cries of delight, pleas for more, all of it  Bumblebee wrote onto his core database, so that ten thousand years later he will still remember the look of pure unaltered ecstasy on his Sam’s face.

Bumblebee’s receptors were overwhelmed with the various sensations his holoform was relaying. Even the sheer fact that he was sheathed within the most private part of Sam’s body was enough to draw him towards overload. His processors were overwrought with happiness that he was as close to being one joined body with Sam as was possible for a human.

That they were connected in such a way that there was no room for thought of anyone but each other was thrilling in its sense of completion and certainty of how right it felt to be so joined. How powerful it felt to be bonded to each other, as close as they could be with Sam not having possession of a spark himself.

It had been mainly slow and tender, only growing desperate towards the very end when both were hovering precariously over the edge, for Bumblebee was adamant that Sam’s first be nothing but gentle pleasure and love shown in physical form.

There would be time for rough, lustful, and dominating later.

As Sam tumbled over the edge of pleasure through his climax, he uttered the three words that Bumblebee had been waiting to hear since having them first spoken to him as Sam was leaving for college.

After recovering from his own overload, Bumblebee placed a chaste kiss upon Sam’s swollen lips and returned the sentiment.

“I love you too, Samuel James Witwicky.”

Sam had given him a tired smile, soft chocolate brown eyes filled with love and caring, before cuddling up to him and slipping into recharge, the smile still present on his visage.

His processors identified a strange sense of accomplishment and pride that the physical remains of his overload was still located within his Sam, an uncontestable claim that Sam was his and his alone, just as he was only Sam’s. Car, guardian, best friend, lover; Bumblebee would use all the power within his spark to be everything that his Sam needed.

Bumblebee hopes that his Sam will never lose that small smile he adores, the habit of being gullible when sleepy, the way he crosses his t’s a bit crooked, and the way he always makes sure to make up when they actually fight, in case the next day he is kidnapped by Decepticons again, Sam explains.

Sam is the fuel for Bumblebee’s spark, this he knows. Sam is his guarded, his human, and his reason for everything he does. Without Sam, Bumblebee lacks drive and purpose. He meant it when he said that Sam is the person he cares about most in his life, and he will spend the rest of his days proving it.

For the past six months, Bumblebee feels that he has truly lived more than all the thousands of years of his existence before being with his Sam.

Six months is not a long stretch of time, but for Bumblebee it has been the longest start of a new lifetime, one of peace, happiness, and his Sam.

A/N: This will most likely continue as a series/trilogy with Optimus ' POV  next.

poster: shamrockivy, rated r, sam/bee, fanfiction

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