Story: When Things Start Looking Up

Feb 24, 2009 13:03

Title: When Things Start Looking Up
Author: 1babygirl
Pairing(s): Sam and Camaro/ holo Bumblebee and mentions of Sam/Mikaela.
Rating: PG-13
Category(s): Transformers Movie 2007
Summary: Sam is having a horrible day and to make it worse Bumblebee his best friend and car is upset with him

(Comments and feedback always wanted)

Sam Witwicky finished his last hour at school, he had an horrible day. First he woke up late and had to beg Bumblebee to floor it to school so he didn't get detention, which he ended up getting anyway along with getting bumblebee a ticket on the way, then he forgot he had an huge test in chemistry class which he is sure he bombed, and on top of that Mikaela was in ultra bitch mode today, it seems her little friend came to visit and she was taking her PMS out on everyone. Today could not get any worse, Sam thought walking to the school's exit, i mean it was already 6pm, freakin detention!

Sam sighed heavily, he wondered if Bee was still mad at him for making him get a ticket and scratching his paint as he raced to close the door and run into school this morning. Bee had been really quiet lately now that Sam thought about it. Usually be was very expressive through his radio music selection and sometimes breaking through the music to actually speak to Sam. But for the past couple of weeks that has not been happening so frequently he thought. When he arrived in the school parking lot he looked at his shiny camero, even though the sun was setting it seemed bee's paint glowed. Sam thought i have one sexy ass car. smirking he walked over quickly to Bee " Hello Bee, sorry to keep you waiting" he whispered as he slipped in the drivers seat.

" it is alright, Samuel" Bee replied automatically. Sam was hurt, Samuel? When did Bee start calling him that? Uh he knew something wasn’t right then. "Bee.." Sam started. “Samuel are you planning to stop in a drive thru before you arrive home?, we are about 3 feet away from Taco Bell" Bee interrupted. Sam sighed " No Bee I’m not hungry, actually Bee" Sam grabbed the wheel. “I would like to drive". Bee let Sam drive, Sam drove them an hour out the way to the same cliff where he and Mikaela made out on the camero’s hood after defeating Megatron. He loved it there it was quiet and he could just listen to music and think.

When Sam arrived at his destination, put the car in park and turned down the music. Bee hadn't said a word the entire trip to the location. Sam had enough it already sucked that his day had had been a total disaster but he didn't need his best friend to be upset with him too. "Bee" Sam started, "What’s wrong? look I’m sorry we got a ticket and scratched your paint okay, but that was just today, you have been acting a little weird these past few weeks, i mean the Bee i know is chirpy, always talkative , plays awesome music and is always there when i need to talk, that’s my Bee, so what’s wrong?"

Bee didn't say anything for a minute. Sam looked hurt he really was about to lose the best thing in his life, and he didn't know why. Finally after what seemed like ages Bee finally spoke up " Sam...I..I'm sorry...please excuse my rudeness". Sam tried not to let the small smile show on his face. " It's Okay Bumblebee, i was just worried about you" Sam chirped up rubbing his thumb over the transformer emblem on the camero's steering wheel." I really care about you Bee, if your not happy im not happy" Sam whispered.

Sam caught a slight flicker in the corner of his eye. When he looked up what he saw made is jaw drop. Sitting in the passenger seat next to him was a young man wearing dark jeans, combat boots, and a black sleeved form fitting t-shirt, with skin like golden sweet glazed honey,spikey jet black hair, electric blue/ grey eyes that shone with innocence and hope, soft pouty lips with the slightest hint of pink, a set of dimples that were the cutest Sam had ever seen. Sam couldn't tear his eyes away from him. After almost drooling on his lap Sam realized this young specimen of perfection had what looked like tiny silver hearing aides in his ears that would light up, maybe those were Bee's satellites to help him keep surveillance over the city Sam thought. When he moved down to his jaw line Sam saw he had a slight scar that started under his chin that ran down his neck to his collar bone. Sam cringed thinking of how Bumblebee had his vocal cords damaged at one time, that would probably leave a permanent scar. Even with that the young man was beauitiful, breath takingly beautiful, the scar just added alittle something special to make you love him more. Bumblebee was the most beautiful person Sam had ever seen.

" Sam" spoke the boy, " im sorry again for my rudeness, i have been trying to figure out my own, hmmm i guess human terms would be feelings....for you. Sam when i made my request to remain with you, i meant it, i will not only protect you with my life but i  wanted to REMAIN with you. Sam i took a long time to think about this, and have conconsutled many websites and sources on the internet and various libraries on this" The boy stopped and smiled dimples beeming. " Sam i think i'm in love with you" Bee grabs Sam's hand " Sam i know you might not return my feelings for you but i had to tell you how i felt." Sam looked down at their hands for a long time. He enjoyed how they fit so well together, tan skin against white skin, even though different it worked so well together.

Sam thought yeah he was still seeing Mikalea but he loved Bee . Bumblebee was his best friend and his protective car. Whenever he was with Bee he felt safe in his interior. He enjoyed their conversations and long drives with just the two of them. Sam looked up into those magicant eyes and reached out to cup Bee's face " I love you too Bumblebee" Sam smiled leaning in and capturing Bee lips in a soft kiss. Sam pulled away for a moment, resting his forehead against Bee's looking into his eyes again" I love everything about you, im so happy you stayed with me" Sam whispered smiling  his lips gently brushing against Bee's soft lips  before deepening their kiss.

Maybe today wasn't so bad after all. Today was actually turning into a pretty good day.

To be continued....

movie, camaro, holo!bee, sam

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