
Dec 11, 2007 11:09

Title: Sparks (3)
Pairing BeexSam (with others developing)
Rating PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Transformers. Hasbro does. All characters are 18 or older with the exception of Annabelle.
A:N Here is Chapter 3, Enjoy

This has been beta'd but nobody's perfect.
Comments and Critiques are welcomed and encouraged.
Summary: As with life, not everything is going to go the way you want it to. Not every one is just going to lay down and die. For the Autobots and their companions this lesson is just beginning.
An AU with mature themes and oft ignored characters. Much of the credit for this one goes to my big sisters muzaiden & Tsumiden

Spark 3

Re Boot


In the mere instant after being attacked, Bumblebee was on alert. Optics scanning the so-called secret facility, he found the source of the disturbance. If someone had said "Speak of the devil" he would have asked, "What do you want me say?"

Curses and cruel taunts echoed around them nano-kliks before the deranged hacker attacked. Scuttling along the floor awkwardly, he lunged for the nearest creature.

Bumblebee snapped into action, grabbing the young humans pulling them to the safety of his frame. Curling over the faintly struggling creatures, he held on, no one else was going to be hurt, not if he could help it.

Bouncing off the yellow Autobot, Frenzy rolled across the floor and squealed. Moving again, he sought someone else to harass. Having experienced his methods of attack previously, the assembled humans scrambled for cover. Judy found herself hauled one way by her husband as the little blur of silver cackled maniacally. Weaving past the fleeing fleshlings, the Decepticon screeched and jumped.

To the great surprise of those present and not panicking, the pint-sized harbinger of chaos clawed his way up the flame decorated appendage of Optimus Prime, slashing tires and scoring metal as he went. Prime grunted as it reached his chest and dug in wishing death on him and his soldiers, hailing Megatron all the way. Clicking its teeth, the miniature mechanoid clawed along his chest plates seeking to cause pain and torment any way it could. It fought with an eerie sort of desperation, with the fire of one who had nothing left to lose.

Lennox and Simmons for once were on the same page as the charged towards the armory.

Claiming left over weaponry, they loaded as they moved an abandoned forklift became decent cover. Taking the hint, from their smaller compatriots Ironhide charged his own cannons and opened fire.

Three shots connected unfortunately, only one of them hit the intended target. Off balanced and surprised the leader of the Autobots fell. The floor shook with the impact, knocking Maggie off her feet. Frenzy, wobbled off Optimus Prime, unintelligible words erupting statically from his processors. Hunched and half-limping he tried to attack again claws straining for soft flesh. Irritated to the point of no return the blond analyst lashed out with her foot, catching the little beast under the chin knocking him along the floor.

Skidding, the hacker found himself at weapon point between military figures of both planets. The canons and guns followed his jerky movements earning another few garbled swears. Swaying slowly the little monster evaluated the situation, deciding whether to take the most suicidal course of action or not. Deciding whether death was preferable to failure.

"Stand down." Optimus commanded, rising from the floor.

Simmons responded immediately lowering his weapon. He was slowly getting used to being ordered around by the mechanical alien.

"Not you!" Ironhide shouted a nano-klik too late. Before Reggie could bring his gun back up the small Decepticon launched another attack. Skittering along the floor, it vaulted over the tipped machine and shrieked madly.

Frenzy hit the man in the chest and dug in. Sharp claws sank into his skin, or tried to. Luckily Reggie’s kevlar vest took the brunt of the damage, sparing his life. Fabric in its claws, the Decepticon renewed his attempts at causing pain and torment. Wrenching its claws from the shredded armor, Frenzy bit the man instead, its teeth sinking into the flesh of his throat.

The surprised scream was cut off as William, drew the little bugger’s attention with short burst of gunfire. A well-aimed shot; caught the twitching machine in the blue optics, earning a few more incomprehensible snarls and hisses.

Under the bright chassis, Mikaela could barely make out the scene before her.

Another burst of cannon fire and she shoved impatiently on the arm, shielding her.


Miles on the other hand, curled further in on himself as the cool blue liquid dribbled over him. The gunk clung to his skin and sunk into his clothes, staining it in wide strips.

Although, it wasn’t the absolute worst of his problems. Just above him the damned creature that had been supposed to protect Sam was attempting to kill him and Mikaela.

Well it hadn’t really moved since the fight began when it had grabbed them both, but he was sure it would.

"Bumblebee" she snapped impatiently, struggling to get free. "I don’t need to be sheltered!"

The words came out harsher than she intended, but the much abused Camaro refused to move. A crackle of static crossed his audio processors, before his radio managed to convey his feelings."This ain't the time, the place for us to understand this life. I will protect you, I will protect you"

"Did he just play Korn?"

She nodded reaching up to stroke the plates of metal above her head. The thing trembled above them, but made no move to permanently end their lives.

Gunfire and screams echoed outside their self appointed shield, it chirped again and it sounded more of a gurgle than it should have been. Looking to his blue stained fingers, the youth looked back to the creature and the damaged he’d caused. The wrenched cabling and wires in it’s throat looked incredibly painful and quite possibly life threatening. Rubbing the back of his own throat, he found himself stumbling over the words he had to say.

"That was… I mean Sam really liked them."

The statement felt incredibly stupid and worthless as an apology, but to his surprise he found its bright eyes staring at him, upside down.

It chirped again and the meaning was almost perceptible."I know."

The deep voice of Ironhide had the scout rising up from his position, but he keep low, his hands almost blocking the pair at his feet. Looking to the damage, he wasn’t surprised by the circle of soldiers covering the Decepticon. The blue optics flickered as the thing swore loyalty to Megatron and death to those defied him.

"Stand down, Decepticon" Ironhide ordered, cannons whining just above the twitching Cybertronian.

Turning to him the diminutive hacker began sputtering the longest, most outrageous sounding chirps, snarls and clicks any human had ever heard. At the Autobots appalled and horrified expressions it was also one of the foulest things their kind could have ever said to another.

At the stunned silence Glenn once again add his two cents.

"I guess the little guy said no."

Frenzy whirled sizing up the man, and leaned forward his optics almost blazing.

"Of course I said no, you unsightly organic insect."

The razor sharp discs propelled at the human punctuated his rage.

Glenn tumbled back, as the silver weapons sunk into the ground at his feet and into the wall behind him. The reactionary attack by Ironhide made a sizeable hole in the concrete and scorched the floor around it, directly to the Deception’s left.

It chided back at him and grinned. Stepping forward, putting himself between the humans and their antagonist, Optimus Prime regarded him.

"You are alone here, there is no one coming for you. Stand down and you will not be harmed."

Ironhide snorted at the words, but made no attempt to correct them. This was one of the situations where arguing would only make it worse.

The Decepticon seemed to consider the words briefly before replying.

"No one?" his claws rippled impatiently along the floor as he examined the weapons of those threatening him.

"You’re alone, scan for yourself to confirm."

In the moments it took for him come to the same conclusions, he decided the most appropriate course of action despite its suicidal nature.

"Barricade ddead?….WiWitwicky dead. Fair trade."

The moment he voiced the foul stuttered words, all fell silent.

Moving faster than the human eye, Bumblebee struck.

The impact left the imprint of his hand in the concrete and the wobbling Decepticon.

Sparks flickered up from the connection of their mechanical flesh, the light surprising all present. The unusual power danced up their respective damaged chassis. A responding flicker of energy answered in kind making the situation that much worse.

All of the robotic aliens turned as one, looking to the source.

Before the Autobots could react or otherwise decide a course of action Frenzy skirted his guards and fled for the cover of an air duct avoiding the hail of bullets that followed. Once the threat of danger was over, thing resumed their semi-functional nature. A quick check confirmed every one present and alive, mostly undamaged.

Rising from behind the cover of the Autobot leader Keller turned to the injured Simmons.

"Where does that lead?"

As hands worked furiously at cleaning and stanching his wound, he gritted his teeth and answered.

"It could take that thing anywhere and we don’t know where it’s headed."

"Can’t you follow him?"

Eyeing the analyst, he managed a pained grin.

"Unless you have the ability to trace alien life forms Miss Madsen, I think we’re out of luck."

Snorting above them, Ratchet chose to point out the obvious.

"He’s taking the ducts east, for reasons as of yet unknown."

It wasn’t a long, before Optimus spoke.

"Find and secure him, the last thing we need is for anyone else to be hurt."

With that, the remaining functioning Autobots transformed and took after the fleeing machine.


The ducts were dusty and cool, but by far the best escape route he had. Damaged and weak, the hacker crawled along, claws clicking rhythmically against the shaft.

Focused on the almost palpable energy, he moved desperate to find the source. It was power and power was good. He was alone. None of his faction would come to save him. None of them would have been close enough. He refused to accept the fact he was the last. There was no possible way Megatron would lose. He was far too close to victory.

The vent split in two directions and Frenzy paused. A critical mistake. Behind him the metal corridor erupted in flames. Cursing the Autobots’ Weapons Specialist, Frenzy fled through the left passage after the flickering energy source. It was familiar maybe another of their kind. It was faint, but there he would find it and make it his own twist, it to their ways. As always survival was the key, revenge and torment would come later. Yes, revenge, he’d tear the optics from the stupid creatures shooting at him and crush the spark of the scout who dared to harm his partner. Barricade, if he was dead, he’d slag them all to the pit and back.

It wasn’t compassion or kindness that drove him, no it was the sheer anger at them for taking his partner. He was the only one allowed to torment the deranged mustang.

He snarled again, hating the stupid Autobots and their stupid humans in the same breath. For the glory of the Decepticons!


A flash of energy and he was cold. Freezing shivering cold, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. He was alone, so dreadfully alone and it really sucked. All at once he felt it. A burst of warmth tingled along his flesh settling in his chassis. His eyes opened slowly, white filling his vision as the warmth intensified, pulsing within his chest with all the power of a dying sun. It was excruciating the heat trailing the cables and veins burning its way thorough his frame, earning a howl from his audio processors.

All at once it stopped the light pouring away from his twitching fingertips, leaving him limp and trembling. His heart pounded in his chest as he sucked air into his lungs panting with exertion. After a moment more, when the world seemed to be coming back to him, he decided to move. The sheet slipped as he swung his legs over the table its edge almost as cold as the air itself. Hissing, he slipped to the floor stumbling as he settled his weight on his feet.

At first glance the room was sterile and quiet, three walls filled with shelves and miscellaneous equipment he had no name for. The fourth held a draped curtain over a glass window and a door. On closer inspection he found the only egress shut tight and locked. Reality set in he began to panic.

Normal hospitals just didn’t lock patients up. Worried and confused he began pacing.

Upon closer examination he discovered the while he was wearing a hospital gown and had previously been in a hospital, this place he’d awakened in was certainly not. An assortment of knives and tools occupied the counter, along with a small folder filled with paper.

As expected his curiosity got the best of him and he picked it up. It came as no real surprise when the header bore his name and extensive personal information. The real issue he found with the whole thing was that the slot for his death was incorrectly filled in. That couldn’t possible be right. He was still alive. He couldn’t have possibly died. Could he?

Stranger things had happened. Aliens, secret government organizations, not to mention the fact he’d nearly been killed. A quick examination revealed a few new additions, more specifically, the silvered lines and swirls across his chest, along his arms and down his legs. He hadn’t had those before. He didn’t inspect them too closely, he was half-afraid of how far they went and what else he might find. A few more experimental pokes confirmed it he was definitely alive. Confused, half-naked, supposedly deceased; still alive.

An awful screaming sound echoed above him and something exploded from the ventilation shaft, taking out the shelves on the wall in front of him. Jumping back he avoided being crushed in the process. As he peered at the creature, blue optics met brown and realization struck. Frenzy screeched again and reached for him, shaking with rage.

Sam stumbled back, afraid that this time he really would die.


It was hard maneuvering down the hall, in his alt mode, but Ratchet managed, tires squealing as he took a corner. Bumblebee was ahead of him and he was leaking, but he’d refused treatment and they hadn’t time to argue. His passengers were Mikaela and the young human male who’d refused to leave her side, Miles. He’d have to inquire later, now really wasn’t the time. In his own cab, Captain William Lennox and Reginald Simmons loaded their weapons and hung on. The signal of the little monstrosity was stronger as they sped down the hall. All at once the yellow Camaro stopped at a dead end, doors flung wide.

Following suit, the chartreuse Hummer began one of the most awkward transformations he’d ever experienced. The amount of twisting and rolling he achieved would have made Jazz proud. By the time he finished, Bumblebee was crouched low his weapons charging in the white hall. Before anyone could speak a terrified scream cut the air.

"What the hell is going on in this place?" Will demanded, gun snapping into place.

Deep in the bowels of the Hoover Dam, inside the stronghold of Sector Seven, Bumblebee’s spark pulsed. Confused he could only turn to Ratchet as the warnings flashed through his systems. The wounds inflicted on him were finally taking their toll.

Motor function was down to 35% and dropping fast, stasis was imminent. He had no time left.

Another shout and he reacted, punching through the wall as the humans dove for cover. Bits of concrete and plaster rained down, revealing a human struggling with the Decepticon beyond the wall. A single shot from his cannon and the hacker struck the far wall. Scans and vocal recognition confirmed the identity of the barely clothed human standing amidst the rubble.


The young man turned towards the people staring at him as the familiar yellow Autobot crashed to the ground optics dimming.

S1 Burnt Out 
S2 Melt down

spark, sam/bee, fic

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