Title: Seven Days -- Part 4/7: (Thursday) Horizontal Jazz
Author: Lyricality (
Rating: M/NC-17 for graphic sparksex
Pairings: Eventual Bee/everyone. In this part, Jazz/Bee with some Sam/Bee.
Disclaimer: The G1 repaint Starscream movie toy belongs to me. The rest of Transformers does not. All characters are of legal age.
Note/Summary: So late.
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Comments 29
I'm glad I've won you over. =) Part of the challenge here was to see how much plot could be made out of what was essentially an excuse for robot sex, heh. I would be more ashamed of myself, but Bee won't let me.
Jazz and Bee are so very lovely. Ratchet is the grumpy doctor with a very well hidden soft spot.
I noticed something: Bee is supposed to be giving comfort, but all of the others have given him comfort as well. Nice!
Sam's brain is going to be very broken for a while, I think.
Sam's sense of reality is about to undergo a slight inversion, methinks.
Jazz and Bee are so much love together.
(psst. Posted links to this on my TF fic recs page. I hope you don't mind?)
...You know, that may just be the single best example of getting inside a Cybertronian's head/writing from their viewpoint that I have ever had the pleasure to witness.
...*spontaneous hugs*
And I love your characterization of Jazz.
Jazz: Too good ta be put off by a lil' thing like destruction. *grin*
I'm waiting for the 5th day. Impatiently ;)
Massive ♥ for you. ^__^
I could try and come up with something sweet-nasty for upcoming chapters of your story, but we've suddenly run out of (movie-canon) autobots. *scratches her head thoughtfully* And I suspect you won't be able to tell the next pairing without giving out spoilers :D But, honestly, it's not about titles, I appreciate what goes after them much more. Yeah :)
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