(no subject)

Aug 06, 2007 00:26

Hey guys! Remember me? Probably not. I wrote the smut with Bee and Sam at the drive-in. Well, several of you put ideas in my brain for a sequel which soon turned into sequels and here they are! The first is some Sam/holo!Bee pr0n for those of you that like that and the second has boy on car action for those of you that like that. The numbers are only there to keep things organized, YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ BOTH TO UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOIN' ON. Feel free to pick and choose at you leisure. Anyways, just in case you forgot, here's the original.

Title: Drive-In
Rating: T
Summary: Bumblebee is eager to learn about human culture. Sam doesn’t really have a choice in whether or not he participates.


The idea to go to a drive-in had been Sam’s and Bee had agreed rather excitedly. They were having a marathon of the Matrix movies in celebration the ten years that had passed since the original came out. The action movies had of course been a memorable part of Sam’s adolescence (his generation’s Star Wars more than likely), and seeing them on the big screen promised to be thrilling. Bee just wanted to see the much acclaimed car chase in the second film.

Although Bee scoffed loudly every time the treachery of the machines was described, they’d been fine up until a ways into the second movie.

That was when Sam started to get nervous.

He still didn’t understand why Bee insisted on using his hologram. The Autobot had perfected it long ago. It was to the point where he could carry on conversation with Sam’s friends, shake hands, produce very human gestures and expressions. Why on Earth he felt the need to use it at a time like this was a little confusing. Maybe he’s just trying to show off... Sam thought. It was only then he realized Bee’s hologram was sitting approximately two feet closer to him than when the first movie started, leaving only about six inches between them. He’d noticed the other shifting from time to time, but hadn’t thought he was...what was he doing? Was he scooting closer?

Indeed, Bee had inched nearer to Sam, if only to a minute degree. The holographic boy appeared to notice he was being stared at, and turned to Sam with an eyebrow quirked. “Yes?”

“N-nothing.” Sam looked away abruptly, focusing on the screen.

The silence hung between them for a few moments awkwardly. That was when Bee very casually (though not at all originally or inconspicuously) stretched out his projected limbs. His back arched, giving Sam a nice view of how lithe and toned the other’s body was as his shirt crept up to expose his stomach and hips.

Again Sam’s eyes darted away. This is when he began to panic. Obviously the blond was a hologram, not a real person, and therefore he had no need to stretch. That meant he was purposefully putting on a show. These facts didn’t sit so well with the only real human in the car.

Sam tensed as Bee came out of his stretch and wrapped his arm around his driver’s shoulder.

“Bee, what are you...” Sam turned to him, but was momentarily stopped by the electric blue eyes burning into him. “W-what are you doing.”

“You are my friend. Do friends not show affection to one another this way?” The hologram frowned.

“Well yeah I guess but...”


Sam thought hard and was unable to come up with any real answer. “But nothing.”

“Okay. Is the car chase soon?” The other asked, turning back to the screen.

“Yeah. It’s right after this fight scene.” He answered, swallowing thickly.

Again, the two remained quiet for a brief period of time, watching as the fists flew in slow motion. Bee appeared to grow bored with the fighting though, for he redirected his attentions to Sam.

He pressed a little closer so their thighs were touching. Sam radiated warmth into his projection as well as into his seats. Despite no key being in the ignition, Bee’s engine purred.

Sam turned abruptly to face him, bringing their faces a mere inch from one another. Bee closed his eyes and brushed their lips together. Sam jolted as though shocked by the contact, and pushed away.

“Wait, stop.” He panted, unsure why he was out of breath or why his heart was pounding so fast.

“But isn’t kissing what humans do at the drive-in?” Bee inquired, all innocence and curiosity.

“Well yeah, but...”

“But what?” The blond asked for the second time that night.

“That usually leads to making out and then...uh...and then...” Sam flushed bright red and averted his eyes from the hologram’s inquisitive gaze.

“Sexual intercourse?” Bee supplied helpfully.

“Yeah that.” Sam nodded nervously.

“That doesn’t answer my question though.” Bee persisted. “Don’t your kind come to places such as these to, amongst other activities, kiss?”

“Yes.” Sam nodded, unconsciously leaning forward.

“I only want to be thorough in my understanding of your cultural practices.” Bee explained softly, eyes darting unnecessarily to Sam’s lips. The human knew very well those eyes didn’t actually see.

The young man bent closer. “Of course. I just thought after three years you’d know them all by now.”

Bee smirked, though the two were so close Sam could not see it. “Does it not sometimes take your Earth scientists decades of experimentation before they can draw conclusions?”


“Then I hope you understand my motives...” Bee whispered against his lips. Sam shivered when he thought he felt hot breath brush his skin.

All revere for Bee’s very advanced programming in his holographic was removed from Sam’s brain when he felt warm lips against his own. They were gentle, tentative. Searching.

An equally warm and even softer tongue swept over his lower lip, and Sam realized he was seeking entrance. He shuddered in Bee’s arms (when had his body gotten so close?) and gasped, admitting entrance to the wonderful synthetic muscle in the projection’s mouth.

Sam was fisting the other boy’s impossibly real feeling shirt and clutching his shoulders as he was slowly lowered onto his back. Bee came to rest on top of him and Sam had a rather horrifying thought. Oh God, my car is trying to make it with me. And I’m letting him! I’m going to get topped by my Camaro. Bumblebee’s tongue stroked his own expertly, driving all worries from his mind.

When the two broke apart so Sam could breath, Bee propped himself up on his elbows and peered down at his human.

Sam blinked up at him. “How...?”

Bee positively beamed with pride.

“Not a year ago I could still swipe my hand through your projection if I caught you off guard. How are you doing this?” Sam asked, wide eyed.

“Practice.” Bee shrugged. “My body is much harder now.”


“I’m hard.” Bee frowned, confused.

“Don’t you mean you’re more solid?”

The blond shook his head and smiled coyly. “Nope. I mean I’m hard.”

Bee glanced up briefly and did what could only be described as gasping in delight (something he had undoubtedly learned from Sam). “Car chase!” He scrambled up and watched, enthralled as the scene played out.

The hologram had the biggest grin on his face, but only part of it was due to Trinity’s driving prowess. He kept careful attention on the scene before him whilst monitoring his human's vitals. Bee took distinct pleasure in noting Sam's heart rate and body temperature hot shot upwards. His breathing was uneven and he was still lying on his back, legs spread obscenely, staring up at his projection like it was the key to his very salvation.

Sam’s arm reached out to grip the hologram’s elbow without warning. He yanked the other down against him and smashed their lips together.

“Hey!” Bee broke away, trying to sit back up. “I’m trying to watch this!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Sam wrapped his legs around the other’s waist to prevent him from moving.

“What?” The blond did his very best to reflect the human expression of ‘pouting’ that he’d seen Sam do many a time to get his way with Mikaela. He was careful to put enough whine in his vocal tone as well in hopes of bettering his chances of success.

“Uh uh. No way. I am not falling for that crap.” His human was glaring at him, drawing out a nervous rev of his engine. “You’ve been playing me. That whole innocent ‘but isn’t kissing what humans dO?’ ‘Oh Sam I’m so hard,’ shit was all just a ploy!”

An accusatory finger tapped his chest. Bee was laughing though, much too buoyantly for Sam’s taste. “A ploy? No. It was more of what you might call a scheme. Now let me watch this...”

It was Sam’s turn to laugh, though his was bitter. “Yeah right. I’m gonna show you exactly what it means to be hard, you tricky bastard.”

Bee frowned. “I haven’t tried to...I mean I’m unsure if I can do that yet this way...”

Sam smiled. “You know Bee, I really don’t care how we do it. You can shut this thing off if you want,” He gestured to the boy in his embrace. “I’m very resourceful. We can find a different way to do things...” The human’s hand trailed across his dashboard suggestively, and the hologram (as well as the car itself) shuddered.

“You like that?” Sam asked, eyes hooded and voice husky. He caressed the seat below him.

The holographic Bee’s eyes closed and he gasped, mimicking something else the bot had seen Sam do with Mikaela. “I do, but I would like to try it with my projection...if you don’t mind.”

“Believe me, I don’t.”

Title: Drive-In 2: Topped by a Camaro
Pairings: Bee/Sam (duh) and implied Sam/Mikaela
Rating: NC-17 (for there is much sex ahead)
Summary: Apparently Bee has discovered how to use his hologram for more than just driving. Now it’s time to test it!
Warnings: Holo!sex in a very public place

A/N: red_wasabi89 and fantasyprone made me do this (whether they remember it or not). Blame them.

The human’s hand trailed across his dashboard suggestively, and he shuddered.

“You like that?” Sam asked, eyes hooded and voice husky. He caressed the seat below him.

Bee’s eyes closed and he gasped, mimicking something the bot had seen Sam do with Mikaela. “I do, but I would like to try doing this with my projection...if you don’t mind.”

“Believe me, I don’t.”

And then they were kissing again, passionate, needful kisses. His human was eager to explore his body, hands roaming all over him. Sam gasped at the feel of how real he was. Cool leather jacket, rough denim jeans, warm skin, soft hair, hard muscle. He’d long ago memorized the feel of the seats, the dash, the wheel, the cold metal of the door and the hot steel of the hood as vibrations rumbled from the engine beneath it. This was totally different though. This was supposed to be mere light and air. It wasn’t supposed to be a body solid enough to push him into the seats. That was exactly what Bee was doing though, using his form to pin him down to the leather.

Deep hazel eyes met electric blue as Sam ran his hands up the back of Bee’s shirt and then traveled back down below the waistband of his jeans to grasp the supple flesh he found there.

Bee frowned. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Uh...” Sam was clearly too aroused to think at all clearly. “Touching you?”

The frown deepened as the blond removed Sam’s hands. He guided them up above the other’s head and held them there while one seatbelt wrapped around them. The eyes of his human widened in shock and Bee smiled down at him. The spike he was measuring in Sam’s pheromone levels assured him the boy was enjoying the idea of being tied down as much as Bee enjoyed holding him there.

“I would rather be the one touching you, Sam.” He lightly trailed his fingertips down the boy’s front and thanked a popular Earth deity for internet pornography, otherwise he might not have known how to do this. With that thought set aside, Bee proceeded to lick and kiss Sam’s neck. The action elicited a moan from his human which sent thrills through his chassis.

Sam, eager to have some kind of contact with Bumblebee, began stroking the belts that held his wrists in place and rubbed his right leg against the edge of the driver’s seat. The engine rumbled and the boy between his legs looked up at him with a glare that was only half serious. Sam smiled.

“Insubordinate humans...” Bee grumbled. “ It’s no wonder you must undergo rigorous training before gaining enough discipline to follow orders in battle.”

“I know you’re not talking about basic training for the army during sex.” Sam replied, rolling his eyes.

“This isn’t sex. It’s foreplay.” The other corrected.

“Well, considering the object of foreplay is to turn the other person on, you’re not doing a very good-“ Sam was silenced with a rough kiss. Bee broke away and started on the buttons of his shirt. He struggled briefly, having never used anything of the sort, but eventually figured it out and revealed Sam’s torso.

Sam shivered as cold air hit his heated skin and then shuddered under the touch of Bee’s tongue to his chest. He hissed and arched his back up into the other’s mouth, squeezing the belts that held his wrists. It was mind-boggling how warm and wet the other’s tongue felt, considering he wasn’t truly human. The thought that perhaps Bee had found a way to manipulate his sensory perception sent an odd thrill through Sam.

He was reminded of his current position when Bee popped open the button of his jeans. The zipper slowly made its descent so the Autobot could lap at the skin it exposed. Sam’s hips were forced to raise so Bee could yank his pants and boxers down to his knees.

They both stared at the human’s erection as it was released. Bee reached up to touch it tentatively. Sam let out a little moan. Encouraged, Bee ran his index finger up from the base to the tip. His human gasped his name, causing him to smirk. The tongue he’d been admiring moments earlier traced the path his fingertip had taken. This time Sam cried out and bucked his hips, tugging desperately on his restraints.

“Good?” Bee asked gently, double checking that his human was comfortable.

“Oh God, yes. Very good. That’s insanely good.” Sam groaned as the action was repeated. He’d never had a mouth on or around him, not even Mikaela had been willing to make such a move.

Bee relished in the noises his human made while he teased him, never taking the organ fully in his mouth, never putting on enough pressure to satisfy. After only seven minutes the Cybertronian became bored with this method of torture and opted to begin mapping out the boy’s pleasure centers...and then proceeded to ignore them completely. It didn’t take long for Sam to become over sensitized by the soft touches, keening and whimpering with every bit of contact as a result.

“Bee...please!” Sam was positively squirming with need as he begged for more, Bee grinning down at him like the Cheshire cat.

“Please what, Sam? You will need to be more specific. Remember that English is my seventh language, making your incomplete sentences confusing.”

“M-my cock...” He was panting and staring up with glazed eyes.

Bee lowered his mouth to lick at the dip in Sam’s hipbone. “What about it?”

“I need you to touch it.” Sam continued to struggle with the belt that held his wrists. “Touch me or suck me or...ride me Bee.”

The blond titled his head to the side, curious. “Ride you?”

His human seemed unsure of himself now. “Can you do that?”

“I don’t know.”

The two stared at each other in silence before Sam ventured, “...do you want to try?”

“Yes.” If Bee had really been human he’d be blushing. “Close your eyes.”

Sam obeyed and waited patiently, surprised when he felt warm skin suddenly replace denim, like Bee had switched off his clothing. Of course, that probably was what he’d done but the young man wasn’t really caring about anything other than the tight hotness that was slowly enveloping him.

“Bumblebee!” He cried out, his body jolting. He tried to open his eyes but a hand reached up to cover them.

“Don’t look Sam.”


“My hologram is...incomplete in some places.”


That was all the telling Sam needed. He relaxed and kept his eyes closed, signaling to Bee that he could continue with no worries. The hand left it’s place on his face and trailed light touches down his chest and stomach. The muscles beneath the skin he touched rippled and his human moaned.

“Please, God, move your hips Bee.” Sam tried thrusting up with his own, but was held in place by the blond’s previously wandering hands.

“Why?” He whispered against the other’s neck. “This is much more fun.”

The boy below him growled. “Just because you have unlimited access to the internet does not give you the excuse to read as much porn as you have obviously been doing.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you were forced to sit in one place every day for six hours while your human was being educated and then sit in a different place for ten hours while he slept.” He murmured, carefully moving in the way that human males did while mating. A smile graced his features when he was rewarded with a groan and the boy’s grip on his seatbelt tightening.

“Y-your human?” Sam tried to laugh, but was caught in something closer to a gasp.

“Yes, my human.” Bee stopped to make his point. “Right?”

“Yes! Yes! I’m your human!” He squirmed, fighting desperately to get his guardian moving again.

The Autobot obliged his human’s wants, speeding up the pace of his rocking. “Mine.”

Sam had never been this hard in his life. He felt as though he were likely to explode in just a matter of seconds. There had to be some way to make this last longer, some way to keep the sensations flowing through him.

Think about something else! Anything but the way Bee is fucking you and oh God, how good it feels... He tried to pull himself together, but now Bee was nibbling on his neck and their bodies were flush together and that tightness felt so real and sweet lord was it getting tighter? Hotter? Count to fifty Sam. Don’t think about how good this is. Count damn it! 1...2...3...4...shit, what comes after four?

“I need to touch you, please?” He begged, all thoughts of holding out evaporating. The belts that held his wrists retracted somewhat reluctantly, but Sam didn’t care. He found Bee’s shoulders, his back, his neck and he tried to memorize how they felt, terrified he’d never get another chance.

“Faster!” The boy was pleading loudly.

Bumblebee could feel his frame rocking as hard as his hips were. It would be obvious to everyone in the cars around them what they were doing and slag if it didn’t make him want it more. The owner would probably kick them out, but he better not try and do so before they were finished.

“I want to look at you.” Sam informed him with some difficulty due to his heavy breathing. “Just your face, please Bee...”

“Yes.” He nodded against Sam’s neck. Hands cupped his face and guided it upwards. Brown eyes met blue and then their mouths were meeting as well. Their tongues tangled in a desperate struggle, though neither knew what they were struggling for, as Sam’s hands left his face to travel slowly over his shoulders and down his sides to grasp his hips. Bee shuddered and moaned.

Sam used his grip on the other’s hips to increase the speed of their movements. Their bodies crashed together almost violently and their screams echoed in the cabin as they drew increasingly closer to the edge.

“Oh...oh God Bee!” Sam had his mouth open and his head thrown back, though his eyes were still locked with the other’s.

Bee could tell he was seconds away from climax by his sudden spike in heart rate and body heat. His human’s hands tore away from his hips, surprising him slightly, but when those hands found the passenger seat headrest and the dashboard the yellow Camaro shivered. A deep metallic groan escaped him as the caresses pulled him over the edge right behind Sam.

The boy was yelling as loud as his lungs would allow him, clawing at the interior as he spiraled into orgasm, but Bee could barely hear him over his own exclamation. He felt himself crest into oblivion as he shouted something in his native tongue, but as he hit the apex of his systems overload Bumblebee found that (of all the seven languages he’d learned) only one word effectively communicated how he felt at that moment. “Oh...fuck...”

Sam would have laughed at how awkward the word sounded coming from Bee, but he was slightly preoccupied by the stars exploding in front of his eyes and all around them and deep inside him. They popped and fizzled before slowly fading away.

Sam’s hearing returned to him slowly, along with his basic motor functions. He blinked up at the now fully clothed Bumblebee who was smiling at him softly from the driver’s seat. “You made me miss the car chase.” He said.

His human glared back at him. “You made me have sex with my car.”

“You loved it.” Bee replied smugly. He pulled Sam into and upright position and helped him peel off his shirt. Before the boy could protest he used it to wipe up the sticky white evidence of their encounter from his now bare stomach and chest.

“Wha-what? Didn’t I...uh, you know, inside you?”

“I’m not really here, remember?” The hologram smiled. Tossing Sam’s shirt in the back he smirked. “Oops, sorry, I didn’t mean to get that so dirty. Guess you’ll have to wait to clothe your torso until we get home...”

Sam gaped. “You know, I’m seeing this whole new side of you tonight. Where’d you get this mischievous streak from anyways?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Sam. Please remain silent so that I can enjoy the rest of the film.”

“Yeah whatever, turn on the heat it’s freezing in here.”

Bee did as he was told before pulling Sam closer to him. They wrapped their arms around each other and rested their foreheads against one another’s to get comfortable after Sam pulled his pants back on, much to Bee’s disappointment. They watched the rest of the show in silence, each one happy to have the other near. Sam lightly stroked the seat the same way Bee lightly stroked his arm, but neither went any farther than that.

When the marathon was finally over and they were pulling out to leave, the drive-in’s manager kindly asked them not to come back. They snickered as they drove off into the night, both thinking that it had been totally worth it.

Title: Drive-In 3: Sam’s Revenge
Pairings: Bee/Sam (obviously) and references to Sam/Bee/Mikaela Bee/Ratchet and Ratchet/Prowl
Rating: NC-17 for smex and language
Summary: After Bee teased him at the movies, Sam seeks to return the favor...

A/N: Inspired by conversations with mardigrasmaven and shockd

The group of Autobots on planet Earth had grown quite a bit over a relatively short period of time, still Optimus insisted the overlook was the best place for them to meet. Now all they were waiting for was Ratchet and Prowl.

The two were almost always the first to arrive, sharing in the belief that if you weren’t five minutes early you were late. Therefore it was extraordinarily odd that the two were absent.

“Probably off somewhere connecting.” Ironhide muttered to Arcee.

The female bot shuddered. “Don’t say things like that.”

“Why? It’s true!”

“That’s why I don’t want to hear about it!”

“Bee, what does Ironhide mean?” Sam asked, flopping down on his back inside the Camaro. Bumblebee had opted not to transform until everyone got there so Sam could relax for a while. This week had been “finals week,” at his educational facility, meaning the boy’s stress levels were incredibly high. Thus, Sam lay in his car, legs dangling out the open door.

“About what?” Bee inquired.

“About Ratchet and Prowl ‘connecting.’” His human ran a finger lazily over the face of the radio as his eyes drifted closed.

“Ironhide is implying that they are elsewhere connecting sparks. In human terms, he thinks they’re having a quickie.” Bee explained nonchalantly. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he were right. The two of them are so obviously attracted to one another...”

Sam chuckled. “So is what we did at the drive-in considered ‘connecting sparks?’”

“No. You don’t not have a spark, not to mention that my own wasn’t involved at all.” The yellow Autobot explained.

“So, is your spark like...a pleasure center?”


“Do you maybe wanna try doing that with me sometime?” Sam sounded extremely nervous about asking the question. Bee would have smiled were he able to.

“Very much so.”

“Tonight?” His human smiled and opened his eyes. He ghosted his hands over the dash, the steering wheel, the seat and Bee felt himself react.

“I am not sure we will have time after the meeting Sam.” Warm flesh met the cold metal of his gear shift and suddenly Bee was thanking Primus the CMO wasn’t there lest the old medic may have detected his sudden spike in temperature. It seemed Ratchet wasn’t the only one with such finely tuned sensors, for Optimus had stopped speaking with Hot Shot to give Bee a once-over.

There was no way to hide what Sam was doing, and Bee felt a jolt of fear go through him. He was relieved, though slightly alarmed as well, when Prime smiled knowingly. “Bumblebee?”

“Yes, Sir?” He was thankfully successful in keeping all trace of desire from his voice.

“Why don’t you go look for Ratchet and Prowl? There is an old abandoned warehouse just two miles South of here that I believe they’ve been holding up in.” He explained casually. “Take Sam with you.”

Bee didn’t need to be told twice. Sam pulled his legs inside the vehicle as the door shut and they sped off.

The boy sat up before continuing to grope the interior obscenely. Bumblebee nearly swerved off the road when Sam planted an open-mouthed kiss on the Autobot symbol gracing his steering wheel. He fingered the seat belt lovingly, and groped the emergency brake. Small kisses trailed over the dash and down to the radio where blunt teeth closed around a knob briefly.

This was quite possibly the most erotic experience of Bee’s life so far, and he wasn’t exactly a sparkling (no matter what Ironhide said).

Spotting the warehouse he floored it, praying Optimus had been providing a place for them to seek shelter and not directions to Ratchet and Prowl’s love nest.

The building was blissfully empty, still and silent. Dirty windows allowed light to filter in and give the space a warm glow. Even with it’s rusted metal frame and oil-stained floor, it seemed almost romantic.

Bee stopped abruptly and opened his door for Sam to get out. The unspoken request was ignored by the human, who was busy kneading the leather seats. His erection was making his jeans seem painfully tight, and the boy sought some sort of relief. He found it in grinding himself against the softness of the seat he’d been feeling up prior. A low moan escaped him and he clutched the seat the way he might clutch the arms of a lover, the way he’d clutched his hologram’s shoulders when they had done this at the drive-in. That thought alone caused Bee’s entire chassis to tremble and Sam’s ministrations did not help the Camaro to remain steady.

Sam pulled away reluctantly and turned in the seat. After unzipping his jeans and withdrawing his hardened cock from the confines of his boxers, he spread his legs and pushed his hips forward so Bee’s gear shift pressed up against the underside of the organ. They both let out small sighs as hot flesh met cold metal. The human closed his fist around both and began pumping.

A moan escaped him and his eyes fluttered closed. The only movement in the warehouse was that of the boy’s hand stroking up and down at an increasingly rapid pace, as well as the rise and fall of his chest as he panted for air.

“Sam,” Bee spoke softly so as not to dampen the mood. “if you get out I can make you feel so much better.”

“I don’t think I can stop Bee.” Sam replied breathlessly. He licked his lips and tried to swallow to ease the dryness of his throat. Neither helped do anything more than increase Bee’s desire. The boy’s touches were maddening; too much to allow the Autobot to calm down, but too little to get him well and truly off.

His human had picked up the pace and was drawing closer and closer to his release with every pump of his fist. The hand that wasn’t occupied had found its way to the steering wheel. Bee felt a shudder run through him at the caresses he was being lavished with, and Sam let out a low moan in response. “Oh Bee I’m so close, just let me finish and I’ll do whatever you need me to- oh! Oh God!” He came with a cry, spilling himself on the gear shift, his hand, his stomach. Bee watched it all very closely and couldn’t help but think his human was incredibly beautiful with his face contorted in pleasure.

As Sam came down from his high he found his car was unable to remain still as shivers ran through the frame. That wasn’t even the half of it though. Bumblebee was very much in need of his human’s touch. So much in need that his spark pulsed with it. His fans were working hard to try and keep his interior cool, but it seemed like they only made him hotter. He felt as though he were burning up on the inside, and the only thing that could quell the liquid fire pumping through his systems was the small organic inside of him.

The boy carefully tucked himself back into his jeans and shakily moved back to the driver’s seat. It seemed to take an eternity for him to catch his breath, but Bee waited patiently, quivering with anticipation.

Sam stretched languidly and sighed, giving Bee a good view of his body. The Camaro whimpered softly.

“You really are amazing.”

“As are you.” Bee replied, beginning to grow impatient.

“I’ve been thinking about how you teased me at the drive-in. It wasn’t very nice.” Sam comment absently, still not budging from the cab despite the way the door hung open expectantly.

Bumblebee really didn’t like where this appeared to be going.

“I’m sorry.”

Sam smirked. “Well, now you know how it feels.”

Before he could process what was happening he was gone. He’d scrambled out of the cab and ran across the warehouse to burst out the door they’d come in through, and disappear outside.

If he’d been human Bee would have been gaping, slack-jawed at door the young man had vanished through. So shocked (not too mention aroused) was the Autobot that it took him almost a full minute before he snapped out of his stupor and went speeding off in the same direction.

He’d given Sam too much time to escape and the boy was nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, his chassis was still shuddering occasionally while his spark pulsed annoyingly.

Transforming he called out, “Sam?! Where are you?!” In a softer, desperate tone, he added. “Please come back...now.”

No answer. No movement. Nothing.

“I’m very, very sorry for upsetting you! I thought you liked what I was doing!”

Still no answer.

Shifting back into his alternate form, the Camaro drove slowly around the perimeter, scanning for his human. He didn’t have time for this. He needed to achieve overload, and soon. For so long as they both lived he would never tease the organic again, if only he could get Sam’s hands on him soon.

No, that was a lie. After he found Sam and got those soft hands to bring them both over the edge he was going to tie him up and methodically torture him for hours and hours. It was only fair. This game of hide and seek was easily 78.953% more agonizing than anything he’d done to Sam at the drive-in. Easily.

Rounding the corner of the building he spotted his human and revved his engine. Sam looked up, surprised.

Bee was on him in seconds, accelerating towards him at unearthly speeds and transforming to grab the much smaller creature before he could scurry away. Sam was laughing hysterically.

“It’s not funny.” Bumblebee informed him, lifting the boy up so they were face to face.

“I thought it was.” Sam grinned.

“It’s not. At first we would merely be late in getting back to the meeting, now we won’t be able to get back at all.” His guardian informed him sternly. “I’m not sure we’ll even be able to get you home before sunrise.”

“Why?” The boy in his hand was all worried expression and wide eyes.

“Questions later. For now, do you still wish to see my spark?” Bee asked gently. When he saw the mischief flicker through those brown eyes he quickly added. “I suggest you choose your answer wisely.”

“Yes. Do you still want to show it to me?” He asked, running a finger seductively from his lips to his neck over his chest and down to the button of his bulging jeans. The gesture was meant to drive Bee past the point of sanity, and oh how it had worked.

The Autobot’s only reply was to let his chest plates slide back to reveal the glowing, pulsing object within him. Sam gazed at it with awe and reached forward to touch it. A jolt of invisible electricity shot through them both. Bee moaned and let himself recline back on the hard earth while Sam’s hand shot to his crotch. The bolt had gone straight to his groin and made his cock unbelievably hard to the point that he had to touch it.

He was deposited on Bumblebee’s chest where he sank to his knees. Gazing up into the optics of his robotic partner he asked. “What do I do?”

“Get close to it, touch it or the wiring around it, just don’t stick your hand...or any other part of you, inside it completely.”

Sam nodded as he inched slowly forward, groaning at the feel of metal against his aching erection. He wanted to feel it without the denim barrier and so discarded his clothes before continuing closer to the spark.

As he leaned over it a wave of warmth traveled through him, causing him to shudder. Bee was digging his fingers into the dirt and making soft noises that Sam thought might have been some alien language. It was incredibly hot to watch.

“Don’t stop.” The mech begged softly, looking down at his human.

The boy nodded and let his hands dip below armor to caress Bee’s inner circuitry. The spark grew brighter and pulsed faster and damn did it feel incredible. His hips ground against the hard surface below him without his permission, making him moan. The pleasure this new action filled him with seemed to drain from him and into the spark where it rebounded and returned to him, bouncing around the same way sound waves in an enclosed space might. It was amazing.

He didn’t understand it, but he found that he really didn’t care so long as it kept happening.

His hands moved gradually closer to the spark casing as his hips thrust against the armor below him. Those strange ripples of bliss continued to bounce between them as the spark glowed hotter and brighter. Sam briefly though of doing this with Mikaela, her hands playing with Bee’s gears and wires while he thrust in and out of her wetness. He gasped when he could almost feel it, as though thinking of it were enough to make it happen.

All thoughts of his girl disappeared from his mind when he laid both hands on the casing. Bee let out an inarticulate cry and reached up to hold his human close as immense pressure built up in both of them. The two clutched at each other as they neared the apex of their coupling. Sam bent forward over the spark to lavish whatever was near with licks and kisses. Bee squirmed.

He pressed Sam down flat over his spark and they screamed as the pleasure rippled between them with an intensity neither had ever experienced before.

Bumblebee had cursed loudly the last time he’d overloaded with Sam, but this time there were no words for the climax so intense it offlined his optics, his audio receptors and all accessory systems. Everything went silent and dark except for the gasket-blowing feeling of his human beneath his hands and against his chest and covering his spark. The hot flesh was soft and slick with sweat and just perfect.

Sam was experiencing something quite similar. His hands clenched into fists so hard that the joints in his fingers popped. His back arched and his toes curled as everything that was inside of his was pumped out through his cock in exquisite release. He grit his teeth and squeezed his eyes closed as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over him, seemingly endless.

He felt his balls tighten again at the exact same moment that Bumblebee arched up with a roar. Sam couldn’t believe it, they were coming together...again. He’d thought that it was impossible for men to multiple orgasm but there they were, doing it. He could feel Bee feeling everything he was feeling from the way the sensations rebounded between them via the spark. It was so cliché but it really did seem as though they’d become one. For a moment they were both sure that they truly had combined, sharing a body and a mind and it only made the pleasure that much better.

As the second climax began to taper off they came again, Sam’s hips thrusting hard against his Camaro’s chest as semen spurted from his cock in long, thick streams, and it took every bit of strength he had to keep it going. Sam shook from the effort until his tired muscles gave from under him.

They collapsed against each other, spent, an inch from passing into unconsciousness. Slowly vision returned, then after sight came sound and awareness of their surroundings along with the more basic motor functions.

“I-“ Bee started, but his vocalizer wasn’t working quite right. He took a second to steady himself and tried again. “I’ve never...that’s never...with anyone...” He looked at Sam dazed and confused.

“Right back atcha buddy.” Sam panted.

“Not...not even Ratchet could do that...and he’s a medic.” Bee continued, intelligently.

“What?! You and Ratchet-?!” Sam sat up, instantly alert.

Bee appeared to sober at Sam’s inquisition. He made a sound like a sigh and groaned. “Don’t ask. It’s over. We’re still friends.”



Sam chuckled a little and curled up against Bee’s chest plates. “So, earlier you said we wouldn’t get home until late. Why?”

“I was going to ‘punish’ you repeatedly, but now I believe I am in serious need of a recharge.”

“Ditto.” His human yawned and let his eyes fall closed. “Wait. If we’re not going to do it again until later shouldn’t we get back to the meeting? Something important might happen.”

“I agree.”

Sam groaned in protest as he was lifted from his resting place and set down on the ground. He tugged on his boxers and jeans when they were dropped in front of him, but when it came time to don his shirt it was nowhere to be found.

“Bee where’s my...” Sam glanced up in time to see his friend wiping away the last of the semen from his armor with the dark blue T. “...shirt. Why do you always do that? Now I’m cold.” Sam shivered for emphasis.

Bumblebee tossed Sam the shirt and folded down into his alternate form. The driver’s side door popped open and the boy climbed inside. The interior was pleasantly warm and Sam was quick to curl up against the soft leather as Bee started heading back toward the overlook.

“Still cold.” He complained softly.

The heater came to life in response.

“Thank you.” He murmured sleepily, closing his eyes.

Sam’s chin hit his chest, prompting him to jump. When had he fallen asleep?

“We’re here.” Bee’s hologram was telling him. The blond had a hand on his thigh and was caressing it lovingly.

The projection leaned forward and pressed their mouths together for a chaste kiss. That soft tongue stroking his own woke Sam up fast than a bucket of water would have. He wound his arms around the other’s neck and pulled him closer. He smiled when the engine purred in response.

When they broke apart Bee whispered against his lips. “You do need to get out so I can transform...”

“Huh? Oh, right.” Sam stumbled out of the car and into the cold night air. Damn, why did Bee have to take his shirt? He needed to start keeping a box of tissues in the glove compartment...that, or extra clothes. Sam had a feeling that if he tried the latter Bee would find some way to take them away from him. Despite the cold and stares he had to suffer through the rest of the meeting, he decided he didn’t really have a problem with that.

nc-17, smut, holo!bee, spark sex, fic

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