
May 24, 2010 11:32

So I'm going to attempt something a little foreign here and try to coherently write up my feelings. Considering I've only had about an hour and a half of sleep and every time I start thinking about this I either want to or actually start crying, this should go well ( Read more... )

lost, misc

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Comments 27

citri May 24 2010, 17:55:32 UTC
Ahh a 'hate on the hater' free post. I feel comfortable here! It was getting ugly last night for awhile and I'm not even a total hater.

What you wrote about Eloise was really touching and heartbreaking. I definitely need to rewatch the episode. I saw her pain at the time but I didn't know it was about the glowy afterlife. I did not see the glowy afterlife coming at all so when Desmond kept talking about leaving, I honestly thought he was going to rally up everyone and go back to the island. I interpreted the flashes as showing how important the island life was and everyone was like yeah, we should go back there! I was wrong ha.


beesknees7 May 24 2010, 18:13:36 UTC
Ahh a 'hate on the hater' free post. I feel comfortable here!

Hi bb! Yeah, I'm too emotional to deal with that place today.

I did not see the glowy afterlife coming at all so when Desmond kept talking about leaving, I honestly thought he was going to rally up everyone and go back to the island.
Neither did I. I felt suckered when I saw GhostChristian. I guess in a way I was right about the alt being a higher plane of existence/epilogue, but I was wayyyyy off on the specifics.


citri May 24 2010, 18:35:29 UTC
Me too. It was all going good until Jack opened the coffin and it was empty. I just knew then, I knew Christian would be standing behind Jack.


henrycusick May 24 2010, 20:59:46 UTC
I agree with everything here. Sighhh....


beesknees7 May 25 2010, 21:17:33 UTC

... )


henrycusick May 25 2010, 22:11:33 UTC


chrryblssmninja May 25 2010, 20:44:22 UTC
I liked the finale but I felt so sorry for Eloise, and I'm sad that not many people are mentioning her. ;_;


beesknees7 May 25 2010, 21:21:21 UTC
I think more people will pick up on her angle once they have time to rewatch and analyze. Right now everyone is too hopped up on the stuff with the main characters.

anyway, I made my peace with never getting answer to WHY she didn't try to change anything though I think she could have. (because it would have created a paradox and undone way too many things) I found her scenes in the flash way, way forwards so effective. ;_____;


lostsailors June 1 2010, 23:03:36 UTC
HAI I AM A MORON ( ... )


beesknees7 June 1 2010, 23:36:55 UTC
God, Eloise's face talking to Desmond, "you're not here for my son?" I wanted to kill myself.
Yes. And the bit where Desmond grabs her hand and looks at her with such kindness, omg.
I still find hard to believe that she wouldn't try to change his fate in island time. Oh- OH, maybe she experimented on other people which is she was so smugly confident about red shoes dude in Flashes Before Your Eyes. Then she knew if she could change something about Dan's fate, that she'd have time to warn him via Jack in 2007.

A lot of people went right by that part though, I was surprised.
But...but...OMGZ LOOK AT THE SHIPS! Yeah. It's subtle but such an amazing little scene. I hope people pick up on it when they rewatch, especially since people consider Eloise to be such a mystery.

I think I would have liked it better like with Eowyn, everyone is battling and she comes in when all hope is lost. Oh, it goes without saying that Eowyn is a zillion times more awesome than Kate. I do see a teensy bit of similarity in that Eowyn was always getting ( ... )


lostsailors June 1 2010, 23:55:06 UTC
Yeah, omg, again your thing about Eloise. That's what broke my heart. Same with Ben. There WAS no time, no reality, no instance of actuality where Ben was able to "save" Alex. Both parents went through the rest of their lives carrying the guilt and anguish they totally, totally failed their children, then in life wanted both young people to live happily unaware and be supportive and kind. God, BREAKS MY HEART ( ... )


beesknees7 June 2 2010, 00:05:23 UTC
I mean seeing Hurley get a date with the person he knew for 5 seconds and then convincing me it's on the level of Sun and Jin's epic love or Desmond and Penny - was cute and all, but I found those two dysfunctional parents the most touching of the awakenings. I guess because I think neither wanted to be cruel and both dearly loved their kids, they were just blinded by Shit That Did Not Matter and lost everything, at the expense of innocent lives.

Oh, man, perfectly said.


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