Want a Withers?

Apr 04, 2009 15:02

Gen. 4.2 is up, it's just before this post, so go read it! I mean...if you want to.

Here it is, at last! A post in which you can has any member of the Withers family you want! At least, once they're adults, you can.

I'll get some kind of teaser picture for before the cut later. Also, for convenience, I'll be including a link to this post in all future updates, and I'll edit all previous ones to have it. Also, I'm not including content lists, but they're packaged as they were/are as adults in game. The free stuff they come with is all share-friendly. The pay stuff they comes with isn't, but it's pay stuff, so fuck share policies. It is important to know that I made NONE of the CC anyone comes with, so credit goes those who did make it. /information no one asked for.

Olivia Withers Gen. 1 Founder

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Romance
Personality: 4/5/4/9/3
Turn-ons: Facial hair, Brunettes
Turn-off: Hats
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Wins frequently, but usually by accident. Spawn may have an unusual eye shape.


Don Withers Gen. 1 Spouse

Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Fortune
Personality: 5/5/4/4/6
Turn-ons: Black hair, Makeup
Turn-off: Blondes
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Failboats just slightly more often than he wins. Fails especially hard at taking care of his own needs. Is a Legacy default face by Pooklet(threebolts).


Emily Withers Gen. 2 Heiress

Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 4/7/4/4/6
Turn-ons: Glasses, Brunettes
Turn-off: Stink
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Obsessed with her brother from the day he was born. Had two bolts with him with family tag removed, and opposite turn-ons/offs. Gets pregnant stealthily.


John Withers Gen. 2 Spouse

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Fortune
Personality: 9/2/6/3/5
Turn-ons: Black hair, creativity
Turn-off: Facial Hair
Orientation: Bisexual
Special Notes: He's a total stoner, but he's easy to take care of because he mostly handles his own business. Toddler spawn are cheekbeasty, but they grow into it.


Ian Withers Gen. 2 Heir

Aspiration: Pleasure
Secondary Aspiration: Romance
Personality: 6/10/9/9/1
Turn-ons: Makeup, Redheads
Turn-off: Black Hair
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Obsessed with screwing his own family members (sister, niece). Spawn could have his weird eye shape. Other facial features are not very dominant, so be careful!


Michelle Withers Gen. 2 Spouse

Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Grilled Cheese
Personality: 6/9/8/9/2
Turn-ons: Black Hair, Creativity
Turn-off: Stink
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Used to be a feminist, abandoned it for sooper grate Ian peen. Maxis face template, WHOASCHNOZ as a male, so be careful breeding. Packaged as a redhead, though should genetically have black hair (she dyed it for Ian, since he prefers redheads).


Elise Withers Gen. 3 Spare

Aspiration: Fortune
Secondary Aspiration: Family
Personality: 10/7/9/9/0
Turn-ons: Black Hair, Unemployed
Turn-off: Hard Worker
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Total bitch, but in an awesome sort of way. Close second (for me, anyway) as heiress. Packaged in custom hair, but it should be genetically black. Be careful breeding, as her genetics are a little wonky.


Chloe Withers Gen. 3 Spare

Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: Family
Personality: 6/7/8/9/4
Turn-ons: Black Hair, Hard Worker
Turn-off: Great Cook (If this doesn't scream "I wanna be a housewife!" I don't know what does.)
Orientation: Bisexual
Special Notes: Annoying little kiss ass, but turned out cute. Even so, be careful of her genes. I dunno what'll happen, but it might not be good.


Seth Withers Gen. 3 Spare

Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: Fortune
Personality: 6/2/6/7/5
Turn-ons: Makeup, Blondes
Turn-off: Vampires
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Has the bolts for both Chloe and Elise, but only acted on them with Chloe. Packaged in his delicate pink hair (which was recolored specially for Seth by sixtylilies), but it's genetically brown.


Erik Withers Gen. 3 Spare

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Fortune
Personality: 5/10/9/3/2
Turn-ons: Custom Hair, Creativity
Turn-off: Black Hair
Orientation: Bisexual
Special Notes: MADE OF FUCKING AWESOME. Seriously. He's not very attractive, but he is so incredibly endearing it doesn't matter. He's named after Erik from Phantom of the Opera, so giving him a Christine (without a Raoul D:<) will make him very happy indeed!


Florence Withers Gen. 3 Heiress

Aspiration: Romance
Secondary Aspiration: Fortune
Personality: 9/2/6/4/6
Turn-ons: Makeup, Custom Hair
Turn-off: Black Hair
Orientation: Lesbian
Special Notes: Shy romance sim, and very into her wife. Totally creeped out by her uncle, Ian. For good reason: he's a perv. Spends most of her time cleaning, sexing up her wife, and avoiding said uncle.


Caprice Withers Gen. 3 Spare

Aspiration: Pleasure
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 9/2/6/4/6
Turn-ons: Fitness, Glasses
Turn-off: Vampires
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Genetic clone of Florence, yet somehow completely useless. Managed to get FIVE whole creativity points before she was shipped off to life as a legacy spare, and all but one of those was earned during her teen years (she painted). The first was as a toddler, and it was forced. I pretty much hate her, but you're free to like her, if you want.

GET FLORENCE AND CAPRICE! (Packaged as Florence. Caprice's hair is "Cut You" by Liegenschonheit at Digital Perversion, if you want it specifically.)

Soup Withers Gen. 3 Spouse (lol, no BS picture. Fail, Sarah.)

Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: Romance
Personality: 4/7/5/5/7
Turn-ons: Glasses, Makeup
Turn-off: Vampires
Orientation: Lesbian
Special Notes: NOT MINE. She is really Glauce and was made by the amazing sixtylilies. All I did was throw a bunch of yellow CC at her and name her Soup. My incarnation of Glauce is really laid back, silly, and a little oblivious.

GET HER! (from sixtylilies's journal.)

Elliott Withers

Aspiration: Pleasure
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 5/2/10/10/7
Turn-ons: Makeup, Custom Hair
Turn-off: Charisma
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: He's a necrophiliac and an alcoholic. Works out a lot if there's excersize equipment on the same floor as he is. Skin is not geneticized.


Lily Withers

Secondary Aspiration: Romance
Personality: 4/7/6/4/6
Turn-ons: Blondes, Unemployment
Turn-off: Jewelry
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Very sure of herself. Proof that lots of nice points can sometimes mean nothing. Almost identical to Pearl except her browline is a shade higher. (Less furrowed in rage? XD)


Pearl Withers

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 4/7/9/5/1
Turn-ons: Underwear, Blondes
Turn-off: Jewelry
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: RAGE. FURY. HATE. Knowledge sim that dropped out of college and did not go into aspiration failure. Almost identical to Lily, but with a more furrowed browline.


Ebenezer Withers

Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Knowledge
Personality: 5/8/9/3/1
Turn-ons: Hats, Hardworkers
Turn-off: Jewelry
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Eldest of Pearl's kids, and the only non-elf. Hides a mean streak.


Farthing Withers

Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Fortune
Personality: 9/0/3/3/10
Turn-ons: Makeup, Blondes
Turn-off: Grey hair
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Wife of my gen 6 heir, Benny. She's very very sweet and very very shy and very very fertile. Even with risky pregnancy turned down to 10% she got pregnant with twins. She makes lovely babies though (I've got herin other hoods, she always breeds well).


Zeke Withers

Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: Family
Personality: 5/8/6/5/1
Turn-ons: Makeup, Athletes
Turn-off: Blondes
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Eldest of the half-elves, just as into The Superior Race as his father. Turned out super hot despite my best efforts to thwart his heir potential. Aspirations work hilariously well with his Breeding Male status among the Superior Race.


Iris Withers

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Pleasure
Personality: 5/8/9/3/1
Turn-ons: Blondes, Hardworkers
Turn-off: Swimwear
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Kind of boring and almost a female clone of her father, Berjes. Lovely to look at though.


Graham Withers

Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 10/7/6/5/1
Turn-ons: Fat, Face Masks
Turn-off: Swimwear
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Was completely nice until he went on vacation with his siblings, then turned into a Benny-hater. Was nice again once they came home.


Maia Withers

Aspiration: Fortune
Secondary Aspiration: Knowledge
Personality: 5/7/9/5/3
Turn-ons: Fat, Black Hair
Turn-off: Logic
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Quirky and fun, but was lost in the melee of sims. My fault. Unique face that is a good blend of her parents.


Ezra Withers

Aspiration: Romance
Secondary Aspiration: Knowledge
Personality: 5/9/9/2/10
Turn-ons: Black hair, Creativity
Turn-off: Mechanical
Orientation: Gay
Special Notes: He's okay as sims go, but a little too ordinary to make much of an impression on me. Finn's twin. In my game, his skin is wonky at the neck line, but I packaged him in a skin that is similar in tone, but devoid of discoloration.


Finnegan Withers

Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: Family
Personality: 5/8/9/3/1
Turn-ons: Glasses, Great Cook
Turn-off: Face masks
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Has a rad hatemance with Isana, who despite having NONE of his turn ons, he still manages to have two bolts with. His eye bags are not the result of any CC, so it'll be interesting to see how his spawn turns out. Twin to Ezra.


Isana Withers

I don't actually have any of her stats handy, though I can tell you she's got only 1 nice point, and 10 neat points. I probably should have prepared for uploading her better than I did, heh. Anyway, as I was packaging her, I noticed she had on quite a bit of CC, so in the interest of full disclosure, here's what she looks like with NO make up:

Still pretty, in my biased opinion. Also, half of her genes should be for red hair, if you can make it so. Her father's a redhead.


Clara Withers

Aspiration: Pleasure
Secondary Aspiration: Family
Personality: 5/3/3/6/10
Turn-ons: Black hair, Creativity
Turn-off: Stink
Orientation: Lesbain
Special Notes: She wanders around looking a little spacey most of the time. The rest of the time she's parked in front of the TV. She's probably one of the prettiest born-in-games I've ever had, though. Logan's twin.


Logan Withers

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 9/3/2/3/9
Turn-ons: Makeup, Brunettes
Turn-off: Plantsimism
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Spent pretty much every second from teenhood on with the guitar. I packaged him wearing Maxis glasses, though I don't recall if that what he actually wears in my game. Clara's twin.


Miriam Withers

Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Family
Personality: 4/4/4/3/6
Turn-ons: Facial hair, Custom hair
Turn-off: Cleaning skill
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: Very bad ass. Aspires to be a space pirate, but is also too cool for anyone in her adoptive family. I can't claim any credit for her, as her face is a default template made by pooklet (Who has moved to dreamwidth, under the same name, for anyone who wasn't fully aware). She was adopted, which is a pity because I really like her. I had to keep her out of the updates because I didn't want anyone to get attached like I was.


Greta Withers

Aspiration: Romance
Secondary Aspiration: Popularity
Personality: 1/7/7/2/10
Turn-ons: Brunette, Logic
Turn-off: Stink
Orientation: Straight
Special Notes: The grand tradition of incest continues strongly with this one. Has literally been obsessed with Ian since childhood (possibly earlier, but I didn't notice until childhood). May or may not wind up in his bed, depending on my mood when I play. Quinn's twin.


Quinn Withers

Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: Romance
Personality: 9/9/9/3/1
Turn-ons: Brunette, Charisma
Turn-off: Hats
Orientation: Bisexual
Special Notes: The rage is fairly strong in this one, though I can't be sure whether his looks compliment or cause it. (I did it to be funny, but it ended up suiting him). Was a close candidate for heir in my opinion because I'd have given him a boyfriend. Ultimately, he came in third, and I can't do triple heirs, man. Greta's twin.


withers legacy, want-a-withers

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