Yesterday I flew back to the Quad Cities from Baton Rouge. As I'm driving to my apartment about seven miles south of Park View all of a sudden the engine temp goes through the roof and I smell coolant.
I pull off the highway, find a BP and buy more water thinking I can limp home. I get maybe 1/2 mile up the road between Mount Joy and Eldridge (now on a county road, not the highway) but it's obvious I'm not going to make it. I'm not going to call a tow-truck either because it's Saturday night and I know I can get it to the apartment once the engine cools down.
No problem, I'll call Nancy and see if she will come pick me up, bringing the kids and the evening will commence as it normally does (the kids were spending the night with me). When I get a hold of her the situation is even better, they were returning from town and almost ready to drive by on the highway. She would need to go less then a mile out of her way and she hesitantly agreed. About five minutes later Sean texts me and says, "Jeff it telling Mom she shouldn't pick you up."
Oh crap.
Sure enough, Nancy calls back and says she doesn't think it's a good idea she picks me up and that I should just call a tow-truck. Knowing what Sean told me I probably lost it more then I should have but said "Fine, I'll figure it out." and hung up.
My mom and Bryan are in Iowa City.
mladyfaeryqueen or Bill didn't answer. And it seems cabs don't come out to North Scott. What the frack do I do now?!?
(Edit 10/10/2011 00:57: Many others have now told me I should call them if it happens again. I hope it never happens again, but I will. Thanks all!)
I start walking to Eldridge. I walk a lot so I wasn't worried about the two miles but carrying two laptops made it a bit different. Still though, I managed to get there in less then an hour. The sun was going down so I knew I couldn't continue to Park View but I also didn't know what to do next. I went to Lancers for a beer and consider my options.
My mom returned my call and I explained my plight. She said they are leaving Iowa City and will be there as quickly as possible. As I'm sitting there cooling down I tell the bartender and a random guy who cared to listen my story. He offers to drive me to Park View. He seemed nice enough and if push came to shove, unless he had a weapon, I knew I was stronger then he was. (I also called my mom and told her what was up.)
He took me home without incident and as it turned out, a really nice guy. I've given
gretchen_marie grief in the past for becoming a hitchhiker but she is correct...most people genuinely want to help out others. He didn't want money for his efforts, but I left $10 in his center console when he wasn't looking.
I'd earlier told Sean I didn't think it would be possible for them to spend the night (I didn't know when I would be getting home). He said he understood but really need to be be away from Mom and Jeff. *sigh*. That made it all the more important I get home. When this random act of kindness panned out I called Sean back and said if Mom will bring you two over and pick you up, you guys are more then welcome. That is what happened, Nancy dropped them off and will pick them up at some point today.
It's a cliché to dis your ex and their partner and I've tried not to. I've tried to be nice to Jeff despite all the crap he's done to me. I give up, I'm giving in...
Jeff is a fucking asshole. Not that Nancy isn't an asshole but he is an even bigger one. To say in front of my children, "Don't pick him up." Seriously?!? Sometimes I hope there *is* a hell and there is a very special place in it for assholes like him.