Title: All Of Her (1/2) Pairing: Finn/Rachel Spoilers: 2x08 Word Count: 1,267 Rating: PG Summary: She said nothing. Authors Notes: Song from title and what this fic is based on is Nothing by The Script.
Oh, goodness! There's nothing in this world (except maybe chocolate) quite like really, really good writing. And you write so beautifully. I feel like I drank up the words. Your writing is so clear and devoid of purple prose, but it still makes me feel for everyone, and it pays attention to all the right details--I loved this one paragraph so much:
She stood in front of him, pulling her sweater tighter around herself. And he watched her, waiting for her to say something, anything. Because he loved her, and he needed her, and everything he did was for her. Why didn’t she realise that? Why was she staring at him, not responding? Why was she saying nothing? I can just see it and, oh, I'm all kinds of love for this.
My heart completely broke for Finn. But he was drunk, and he couldn’t think straight because thinking about being without her physically hurt him, like he was being pummelled over and over again. Oh, Finn! Come here, you big teddy bear, I'll give you a hug and some cookies
( ... )
Oh, wow. Thank you so much for your comment, you have me grinning like a mad person. I am so glad that you enjoyed it, and that you thought that it was written well. There is always that little glimmer of "is this right" when I post things, and recieving comments like yours really does make my day.
I'm really glad you enjoyed the way I wrote the story, and Finn. Thank you so much again!
Comments 11
She stood in front of him, pulling her sweater tighter around herself. And he watched her, waiting for her to say something, anything. Because he loved her, and he needed her, and everything he did was for her. Why didn’t she realise that? Why was she staring at him, not responding? Why was she saying nothing? I can just see it and, oh, I'm all kinds of love for this.
My heart completely broke for Finn. But he was drunk, and he couldn’t think straight because thinking about being without her physically hurt him, like he was being pummelled over and over again. Oh, Finn! Come here, you big teddy bear, I'll give you a hug and some cookies ( ... )
I'm really glad you enjoyed the way I wrote the story, and Finn. Thank you so much again!
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