Glee Fic: One of Us (1/1)

Oct 06, 2010 13:45

Title: One of Us (1/1)
Characters: Rachel, Kurt
Rating: G
Spoilers: 2x03
Summary: Rachel has more in common with Kurt than he realises.

A/N: Set right before Kurt talks to Mercedes in “Grilled Cheesus”.


Rachel stopped herself before she walked through the door of the empty classroom. She didn’t quite know why she was here. Or why she thought she, Rachel Berry should be the person to talk to him about this. She didn’t know what she was going to say. But she knew she needed to say something, anything to make him stop doing what he was doing.

She cleared her throat as she took a step through the door, stopping, not wanting to continue until she knew that she was semi-invited.

Kurt sat in the middle of the classroom, right in the centre, just staring absentmindedly into space. He had been crying, Rachel knew that look and those cheeks and those eyes more than anybody. He looked at her, but did not respond, which Rachel took as an invitation to continue.

“I followed you,” Rachel said softly, smoothing out the crease in her skirt awkwardly. She took a few more steps and sat in the chair three rows ahead of Kurt, turning around to face him.

He didn’t respond again, just wiped his cheeks and looked around the room - anywhere but at her. She could just imagine the amount of insults that would be streaming through his head right now, some not so different to what he would usually spit at her. But she didn’t care what he said to her, no matter how hurtful it was.

“Are you okay?” She asked, resting her forearms on the chair and looking directly at him.

“Yeah, I’m fan-freaking-tastic, Rachel, thanks for your deep concern,” he replied and she flinched slightly.

She glanced away, swallowing, willing herself to not leave. Kurt and her may not have had what anybody would liken to a friendship, but she considered him a friend. Even if he didn’t feel the same way about her.

“I’m sorry. I really am. I know how you feel right now, Kurt, I really do.”

He glared at her. “Really? Because I don’t think you do.”

She nodded, looking down at the chair in front of her, etched with marks and drawings and labels. She brushed her finger against the markings and nodded more fiercely, making herself look back up at him.

“A couple of years ago, one of my Dad’s got really sick. Really sick. They ... they didn’t think he’d see past Christmas,” Rachel began, still running her finger over the chair. A distraction. Kurt was staring at her intently and she knew she had to make this quick.

“I had no one, Kurt. I was fourteen, and I had just started here. I had no friends, no body to talk to. I had no one. You have a lot of people that care about you. Please don’t shut them out because it’s the easy thing to do. I … I’m here for you, and so is everybody else in Glee Club. We’re your friends. We’re your nobodies. You’re one of us. I promise you that it’s the wrong thing to do, shutting people out,” Rachel finished, looking up at Kurt and nodding.

Kurt didn’t respond and Rachel took that as her cue to leave. Standing up, she tucked back in the chair she was sitting on and weaved her way through the chairs, towards the door.

“Is your Dad okay?”

Rachel stopped and turned her head to look at Kurt, smiling softly. “Yeah, he’s fine now.”

Kurt nodded and Rachel left the room silently.

Thank you hovered in the air, unspoken.

It was enough for now.


fa, glee fic

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