Mar 27, 2013 06:55
I would not want to be the director to take up the Wizard of Oz franchise. I remember the hype about Return to Oz when I was a kid (McDonald's or someone was promoting it) but it never came to our theater and I never heard anyone talk about it ever again.
So, I wouldn't want this assignment. You have hardcore fans of the original to please, you have today's children to please, and you have an older adult audience who want both a good tribute and and an enjoyable movie.
In which case, I think this is an unwinnable proposition. That also explains my review as saying that the movie just about pulls it off, but ultimately, doesn't quite.
James Franco seems to get a lot of the blame. I am not sure if that is completely fair. Of course, the default for movies like this is that it would be Tim Burton and Johnny Depp at the helm. Instead, it's Sam Raimi, who I think does a good job and ultimately, might be a better fit at this type of move than Burton.
But Franco? You can maybe get me to agree that he isn't the right fit, but then who is? So, I made a list in my head of the various ways you could have taken the film. There are several actors in terms of style, age and skill- Tom Cruise, Robin Williams, Steve Carrell, Will Smith, Jim Carrey. Ultimately, I think Franco is the right pick. Depp might have pulled it off, Heath Ledger likely could have pulled it off, and you could probably debate all day about actors who may or may not have been a better fit- Hugh Jackman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I am not sure.
You could have the same conversation about Mila Kunis, who I thought was fine, but would likely not be anyone's first pick. Unlikely, Zach Braff as the sidekick monkey was a highlight of the film, and though we always have sidekicks, the monkey worked well.
In which case, as I said before, you will never win with a movie like this. But once you get past some of that, the movie really succeeds on its own terms. It pays homage to the original movie, while doing its best to create a dreamworld, and while the first half drags in setting up everything, by the time you get to the second half's action-packed finale, it's impossible not cheer along.
It's not Wicked. It's not a character sketch. It's by-the-numbers 'beat the bad guy'. I also will say that it will likely recall Burton's Alice in Wonderland and for my money, Oz trumpets it in every way (except that Male lead thing, again). I think the CGI makes it feel realistic and again, credit to Raimi for making an awesome alternate world.
So, going in with those expectations. It drags at time, but yes, you will enjoy it. Will you want to see it again? Probably not any time soon. Will it be a cult hit? Doubtful, but it is a fun film. IMDB users give it a 6.9 (out of 10) which is just about right.
this film's crap- lets slash the seats