Title: Connected
Pairing: James Hart/MickDeth, Syn Gates/Zee Vee, implied Alex Varkatzas/M. Shadows sex
Rating: PG13
Summary: “You’re going to know if I die.”
Notes: I wasn't hating on Jacoby either, he was supposed to serve a purpose but that purpose sorta got lost. This was written for the prompt flashback for
slashfightclubWord Count: 2, 050
connected )
Comments 4
And I just have to say FINALLY! More fics with Mick in, where he isn't the bad guy, which makes me smile a whole lot :)
I'm not sure I completely understand what happened
Did Mick die in an accident at the same time as James died in war?
I was sad at Coby trying to save James and then getting hit... Did he die too?
anyway, really great job
I just need to go read something happy now though
Although, I admit that at least they were together in the end so that's good
A little less confusing?
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