Adventfic #9: Advice

Dec 14, 2013 18:48

luunyscarlet: AtLA, Demons verse - Ozai is very pleased about his son finally taking a lover. Zuko just wishes he'd stop giving him sex tips.

Advice )

writing meme: advent calendar, writing, series: avatar, au: demons, character: zuko, character: ozai

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Comments 4

wingus December 15 2013, 00:51:50 UTC
Ziggs and Tristana, fireworks. (Whether those are literal or metaphorical, however, is at your discretion.)


moonys_autumn December 15 2013, 00:55:20 UTC
PotC, James Norrington - "Always half a step behind"


luunyscarlet December 15 2013, 14:34:42 UTC
Thank you so much!
Zuko is clearly going to be dying of embarrassment while his father is teaching him. Oh well, at least Jee will appreciate the advice ;). I can see how that goes...
Jee: Damn, that was amazing! Where did you learn to do that?
Zuko: *blushes* DO NOT ASK!


luunyscarlet December 15 2013, 14:37:01 UTC
AtLA - the one where Zuko has MPD. What does the crew (and Iroh) think of the Zuko-Azula combo.


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