Day Fifteen

Aug 07, 2011 10:58

15. Warnings - What do you feel it most important to warn for, and what's the strangest thing you've warned for in a fic?Rape. Warn for it ever single time. Warn for dubious consensuality, too. It is a completely dickish to spring that kind of thing unwarned for on readers ( Read more... )

writing, meme: 30 days of fanfiction

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Comments 4

wrongly_amused August 7 2011, 23:10:05 UTC
I recently read a story like that. I mean, I'm sure the author didn't think about considering it was an (unsuccessful) attempted rape and the context implies danger for the main character, but it still boggled me that I had to say, "HEY, YOU MIGHT WANT TO PUT A TRIGGER WARNING ON THIS STORY, JESUS."


beckyh2112 August 9 2011, 15:24:29 UTC
... Jeebus. How do people not realize that kind of thing needs a warning, unsuccessful or not?


robina1984 August 8 2011, 12:11:00 UTC
I love you for this, fyi. Last year around this time, I was planning on visiting my brothers for the oldest one's graduation from high school. The problem? He lives with his parents, including my stepfather (okay, half brothers, but brothers.) My stepfather was abusive to me as a kid and the mere idea of being in the same city as him, running the risk of seeing him, had me freaked out to the point I couldn't read anything that hinted of dub-con. Period.

So I'm reading a fic posted to a community...and one partner says no. BEGS no. Repeatedly. This isn't some game where they have a safe word, there was just no warning on the fic. I spent a good ten minutes freaked out and crying.

So YES. Please warn. I even warned possible dub-con on a fic where the two were established partners, but one had accidentally ingested an aphrodisiac, because I know how easy it is to set off a trigger and how bad it can be for the person triggered.

...What is Thanatari? Or do I want to know?


beckyh2112 August 9 2011, 15:23:46 UTC
*hugs* I'm so sorry someone couldn't or wouldn't take the time to warn for something so triggering.

Thanatar is an evil god of knowledge who teaches his worshippers exciting things like how to take someone's living severed head and bind his soul into it so you can have access to their knowledge and power. (I was tainted young by the RPG setting of Glorantha.)


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