[PotC Ficlet] Apples

Jun 13, 2011 09:21

Title: Apples
Characters: Barbossa, Tia Dalma
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400+
Summary: Before he sails to Port Royal, Captain Barbossa orders applejack to drink.

Apples )

writing, movie: pirates of the caribbean

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Comments 13

desiringpirates June 13 2011, 14:34:45 UTC
Ooooooh spooky. I loved it! Barbossa is such a great character.


beckyh2112 June 14 2011, 14:24:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


sharklady35 June 13 2011, 17:04:09 UTC
Tia probably knew Barbossa was one of the pirate lords, so it makes sense she'd crossed his path before DMC.


beckyh2112 June 14 2011, 14:24:19 UTC
... I am going to assume this means you enjoyed the ficlet. Thank you!


sharklady35 June 14 2011, 15:14:05 UTC
Ack, how careless of me! Yes, I did enjoy this feasible vignette. Were there going to be any sequels?


beckyh2112 June 14 2011, 20:50:31 UTC
No, no plans. ^_^ I wrote this for a challenge on potc_land, and am not actually sure where I'd go with a sequel, tbh.


anactoria June 13 2011, 18:47:50 UTC
Ooh, nicely creepy. :)


beckyh2112 June 14 2011, 14:24:28 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


(The comment has been removed)

beckyh2112 June 14 2011, 14:24:37 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


bookblather June 14 2011, 05:09:01 UTC
Dude, this is fantastic. I really like the concept, and the focus on apples, and also the phrase "spitting blood he didn't have." What a nice thing to wake up to.

(yes, I've had this comment open all day trying to think of the right things to say. So I'm indecisive.)


beckyh2112 June 14 2011, 14:25:38 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

The challenge this was written for was to use one of the tracks from the soundtrack as a prompt. I chose 'Barbossa is Hungry'. ;-)

Plus, I really like writing things that plays with their curse.


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