I'm still a little fuzzy on how Krona managed to control the entities when everyone else at the very best could only confine them in a power lantern/lantern substitute. I'm really fuzzy on how he's retained control of them when they are possessing people, since they tend to go on rampages peculiar to their natures when they have a person, and why does having Parallax back in the main power battery like he was for ages before suddenly give Krona control of everyone wearing a green ring? Hello, what? Does this villain plot make sense, or is it magic handwaving by the writers?
Using Parallax-in-battery to stoke every Green-wearer's fears, like he was with Guy and Hal I can buy, but what's with the total mind control? Not all the Greens being controlled were That Voodoo Guy's pre-brainwashed newbies. Some of them were old vets like Salak. Bwuh? Anyway, wasn't Voodoo Guy and his telepath pool taken out recently by Guy?
Comments 2
Using Parallax-in-battery to stoke every Green-wearer's fears, like he was with Guy and Hal I can buy, but what's with the total mind control? Not all the Greens being controlled were That Voodoo Guy's pre-brainwashed newbies. Some of them were old vets like Salak. Bwuh? Anyway, wasn't Voodoo Guy and his telepath pool taken out recently by Guy?
(Though, seriously, yeah, this plot is STIFF with magical hand-wavery.)
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