Title: No Rest for the Weary
Characters: Elita One, Chromia, Bumblebee
Word Count: 800+
Rating: PG
Summary: Unicron is attacking Cybertron, and the female Autobots regroup and try to deal with this on the heels of the upheavals of Autobot City.
No Rest for the Weary )
Comments 9
I expect, once all the work is done to get from the point where the Decepticons are at the end of the movie to the point where the Decepticons are at the beginning of "Five Faces of Darkness", Elita is going to retire quietly. Losing Optimus again and Unicron's attack on Cybertron just ripped her heart out.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. I think she knows, at least in theory, what Matrix-light looks like. On the other hand, she has never seen it unleashed the way Rodimus just did. And Optimus has had it for a long, long time, so in her head, the Matrix wouldn't do that if Optimus was using it.
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