Title: The Moon and the Ocean
Characters: Katara, Yue, Northern Water Tribesfolk
Rating: G
Word Count: 800+
Summary: With an afternoon off from her waterbending training, Katara tries to get to know Princess Yue and learns just how different the Northern Water Tribe is from the Southern.
Author's Notes: This was written for
purimgifts 2011.
The Moon and the Ocean )
Comments 8
""I'm a healer," Yue said, a hard edge in her voice. "Fighting is for men. And Southerners," she added diplomatically." I liked this moment, and Katara's reaction. Very understandable. Yue's TRYING to be nice and understanding, but... yeah.
I thought that the fic ended on a very interesting note, too: "The Northern Water Tribe had never lost anything, she realized with a sinking heart, and their sister tribe had lost everything." ;_;
Thank you so much for writing!
Katara really doesn't understand what being royalty means in general, but especially not in the Water Tribes. (Hey, Prince Zuko seems to do work! If you call chasing the Avatar work.) Of course Yue is going to help with things like cleaning fish! Katara had to! :D
The two Tribes are really very different from each other. It's interesting to see that in action.
This was really well done! :D
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