Quick V-Day Commissions

Feb 13, 2011 18:44

I did this last year and got some pretties. I will do it this year. Any artists interested in doing some quick Valentines Day commissions? AtLA, TF, or original, but the main goal here is a quick turn-around time and inexpensive price.


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Comments 27

weirdlet February 14 2011, 00:46:52 UTC
'Tcha got in mind?


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 01:02:49 UTC
I was thinking either some How/Long Feng or some Iroh/Ozai. Something with a younger Iroh and young Ozai and secret kisses, or something with Long Feng allowing How to pin his arms over his head.


weirdlet February 14 2011, 01:35:48 UTC
Sounds cool to me. I'm looking up pics of How now.


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 01:39:20 UTC
Yay! :D You know the drill with these, yes?


spyridona February 14 2011, 00:52:01 UTC
Miw? How long? Anything in mind from me?


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 01:03:54 UTC
A couple of weeks, max.

Got any preferences? As mentioned to weirdlet, I'd like more How/Long Feng and Iroh/Ozai, but I'd also like more Hakoda/Ozai and Bato/Hakoda/Ozai.

Also, Bato/Kuma.


spyridona February 14 2011, 02:16:34 UTC
... I am caught between Hakozai and Kuma/Bato. >_>


ex_nuitsong February 14 2011, 02:13:04 UTC
Hmm... are sketches all right? I'm not so great with program coloring, but I'll try.


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 02:14:40 UTC
Sketches are fine! Do you need any guidelines on pairings I'd be interested in, or are the ones already suggested good?


ex_nuitsong February 14 2011, 02:15:29 UTC
I believe I can work with the ones suggested! ^_^ Though, if you others you were pining for, I wouldn't mind doing those.


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 02:18:38 UTC
I wish there was more con Zhao/Zuko with Zuko being obviously into it. (I don't care if people will make cracks about Zhao raping him ANYWAY.)


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beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 02:26:59 UTC
*looks over the available art* I like your style. Oooh.

Hm. Before we talk about scenes, let's talk about pairings you're comfortable with. Would you be interested in either Piandao/Sokka or Piandao/Jeong Jeong?


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beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 02:50:58 UTC
I do not usually commission sexually explicit art! *blush* (More because I do not know anyone to commission it from than lack of interest, BUT.)

There is not enough Piandao/Sokka in the world, I think. Of course now I am blanking on specific sceneage as I would want something explicitly shippy rather than going either shippy or platonic. *considers*

Piandao guiding Sokka's hands on his sword or calligraphy brush with lots of leaning very close together and FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. :3


suzukiblu February 14 2011, 02:32:01 UTC
Well, you seem to have a lot of interest already, but if you want more I'm available! *looks charming?* :D


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 02:34:25 UTC
You know I love paying you, bb.

... I kind of want Avamorphs Piandao/Sokka but I have no idea how you'd even art that.


suzukiblu February 14 2011, 02:41:05 UTC
Slugcuddles? :D

Actually I'm not sure either, but it could be interesting to try. You want me to take a crack?


beckyh2112 February 14 2011, 02:43:58 UTC
Sure! Barring that, some regular Sokka/Piandao would also work wonderfully.


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