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Comments 6

wrongly_amused January 2 2011, 00:42:31 UTC
oh god, you have no idea how thrilled I am with all that Mulan fic. <3 You have the best recs.


beckyh2112 January 2 2011, 04:45:32 UTC
There were some enjoyable Mulan fics this year (Yuletide often has some fun Disney stuff), but that one was my very favorite. <3


beboots January 2 2011, 03:48:23 UTC
Thank you so much for the recs! I absolutely adored the Calvin & Hobbes ones. My childhood! :D Also, Mulan = <3. :) I also didn't know that Ursula Vernon had fanfiction! It makes me gleeful. :)


beckyh2112 January 2 2011, 03:54:19 UTC
There's a lot of fandoms that get fanfiction as part of Yuletide. <3 Part of the pre-requisite is an inactive or non-existent fandom.


lunatron January 2 2011, 14:38:04 UTC
Oooh, I really liked the Mulan one and the Beth one. Thanks for the links!


beckyh2112 January 2 2011, 22:00:10 UTC
The Mulan one seems to be a big hit. <3


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