Red Peacock Press

Oct 27, 2010 18:50

I continue my experiment with editing an anthology by actually providing submission guidelines!

So what am I looking for? Speculative fiction about exploration. Going places where no one has gone before, going places where everyone has gone before but you never have, doing things no one has ever done, doing things your people have never done before, getting deliberately lost, seeking new riches, bringing war, bringing religion, bringing only a sense of wonder at what lies over the horizon.

Stories with non-Western settings and protagonists are preferred. Western protagonists or settings will be a harder sell. Western protagonists and settings will be a nigh-impossible sell.

ETA: Fictional cultures are welcome as long as they fit the above guidelines.

Length: 1500-6000 words, but I will consider flash fiction and poetry as well. Nothing longer, please.

Submission Deadline: March 30, 2011.

Please send your submission as a .doc or .rtf attachment to

Story submissions must have the subject of Submission: Title of Story. Please title your document with story title/your last name.

Use standard manuscript format with 12 point Times New Roman font. Please be sure to include your name.

Details such as payment rates, publisher, release date, etc. have yet to be finalized. I hope to pay semi-pro rates, and I will update this post (as well as make new announcement posts) as I decide on more.

A few suggestions as to resources:
- 1421: The Year China Discovered America
- 1432: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance
- 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
- Ibn Battuta

I welcome more resource-recommendations in the comments of this post.

(I have never been as scared-with-anticipation as I am right now.)

editing: anthology

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