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Comments 5

arrayepl October 24 2010, 07:27:17 UTC
So dark and exciting AU. Is it new one or have you more pieces written?


beckyh2112 October 24 2010, 16:59:45 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

This is a new one. Not sure what else I'll do with it. The self-indulgent side of me wants master/prisoner Hakozai, but Sozin's Comet is kinda the series finale. Also, I like Aang. Having him lose to Iroh makes me sad. D:


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beckyh2112 October 24 2010, 17:18:39 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

He is definitely much more striking, especially when he's not wearing his blindfold. Sadly, there's a lot more limitations on him than in canon - a blind Firelord is only allowed because Iroh is still going to be around to rule, you note.

On the yummy side, he knows every plane, every dip and curve, every peak of Ursa's body from 'seeing' her. ^_^


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beckyh2112 October 24 2010, 17:55:54 UTC
Not at the moment. I'm not sure where I'd go with the future, and writing the past means writing the whole series, and NOOOOOOOOOO, I have enough series rewrites in progress.


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