A Going-Away Present for Y'all

Sep 02, 2010 08:11

Metal clinked against the stone, invading dreams and pushing Aang towards consciousness. Sharp bits dug into his back and legs, the mattress under him unaccountably lumpy and worn. It wasn't the way things were supposed to be, some part of him eventually woke up enough to realize. This wasn't home ( Read more... )

game: echo bazaar, character: aang, writing, series: avatar

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Comments 2

moonys_autumn September 2 2010, 13:30:42 UTC
Where is he? ::hugs Aang anxiously::

I liked this and am very intrigued! And I hope you have lots and lots of fun at D*C! ::hugs and sends you off with cookies for the road::


dormouse_in_tea September 3 2010, 00:28:52 UTC




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