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Comments 80

spyridona August 13 2010, 03:07:16 UTC
Hakozai, kneel.
Younger Pakku/Bumi, bejeweled.
Zhao/Long Feng, strained and chained.


younger Pakku/Bumi, bejeweled beckyh2112 August 15 2010, 19:36:48 UTC
Sapphires and diamonds glittered on the Water Tribe youth's dark skin. Gleaming marble cuffs pulled his hands over his head, a stone chain going up to the ceiling far overhead.

Bumi scraped teeth over Pakku's neck, grinning at the sharp inhalation of breath.

Sweat sheened the youth's skin, blue eyes screwed shut, jaw gritted tight. Rage tensed his muscles and flushed his skin darker.

The king of Omashu just grinned and pushed the emerald length deeper into Pakku. He liked this lovely, dangerous youth, and he liked even more to bring Pakku up and through the heights of pleasure, again and again, until rage and pride broke and the youth begged to be fucked raw.


Re: younger Pakku/Bumi, bejeweled spyridona August 21 2010, 01:04:03 UTC
Pretty, pretty. Oh, the shiny on Pakku and in Pakku.

This Pakku will hate you forever, Bumi.


Bonus: Hakoda/Ozai, amber lock and key beckyh2112 August 15 2010, 20:32:18 UTC
Hakoda yanks the amber key from the cooling hands of the Earth man's corpse. Something almost electric shivers through him as it touches his skin.

"Give me that, so I can get this thing off," Ozai demands, hand held out imperiously. The amber lock around his throat reflects the fire in the braziers, drawing Hakoda's eye and he will not give up the key ( ... )


dark_puck August 13 2010, 03:09:20 UTC
Bato and Song - she is handsome, she is pretty

Kya and Haru - one day at a time

Pakku and Jin - blizzard


Pakku/Jin, blizzard beckyh2112 August 15 2010, 19:02:23 UTC
Warm arms wrapped around his shoulders and soft breasts pressed against his back. The Earth Kingdom girl peeked over his shoulder, her cheek resting against his hair. "What are you doing, master ( ... )


Re: Pakku/Jin, blizzard dark_puck August 23 2010, 03:42:39 UTC

Oh, Pakku.

You're dooooooooooooooooomed.

Just keep trying, Jin. <3


Kya/Haru, one day at a time beckyh2112 August 15 2010, 21:41:56 UTC
Hakoda brought back the prettiest boy Kya had ever seen. Certainly prettier than her or most of the women of the Tribe, and she knew how her husband and Bato had been in their youth.

So she smiled and asked for him as a special gift, and Hakoda gave her the pretty boy without a trace of reluctance.

That was years ago. The men have gone off to fight the Fire Nation now, leaving the women and children of the village with only Sokka and Haru. And Katara, her darling wonder.

It's not enough. Kya watches the horizon, trying not to listen to the whispers of how close battle will have brought Hakoda and Bato. She watches and prays, and in the night, she draws her beautiful Haru close.

Sokka looks at her with wounded eyes sometimes in the mornings, and it's days like that when she sends him and his sister off to fish. The Tribe always needs food.

Her eyes are on the horizon when a column of white power flares to life.


gigabomb August 13 2010, 03:21:01 UTC
Lu Ten/Long Feng, somehow the fact he has nothing to return to makes it all the worst

Bato/Xin Wan, he wished it were harder than it is


Bato/Xin Wan, he wished it were harder than it is beckyh2112 August 15 2010, 18:42:44 UTC
Shift grip on the hilt, under and up through the ribs-

Bato diced ginger, humming some bit of melody from one of Xin Wan's music boxes. Joo Dee bustled in the kitchen with him, helping him prepare a meal for their friend. Vegetable-lamb, ginger, and scallions, one of Xin Wan's favorite dishes.

Today was one of the bad days. His friend had hardly left the bed, had lain there even when he was awake before curling up and trying to return to sleep.

Bato had tried to coax him out several times-

The curses in his head got lost on his tongue, leaving only the soft gentleness he'd have used with Hakoda.

Nothing had worked, and Bato had left him there and called for Joo Dee. She had green eyes today, and Xin Wan had brightened somewhat to see her.

He left them alone for some time, preferring to go shopping than to be in the house while they were together. He found a few knick-knacks that might amuse Sokka whenever the boy and Katara found their way to Ba Sing Se.

Surely they still traveled with the Avatar, and surely Aang could-"Bato?" ( ... )


Re: Bato/Xin Wan, he wished it were harder than it is gigabomb August 16 2010, 18:58:00 UTC
Man, Xin Wan's the 'master' in this and I still feel bad for him. I still expect Bato to snap eventually and try to stab him, though. Cool. I can only imagine Sokka and Katara's thoughts on him not being with their father when they arrive in Ba Sing Se.


Lu Ten/Long Feng, somehow the fact he has nothing to return to makes it all the worst beckyh2112 August 15 2010, 19:58:23 UTC
The fire in the minister's office burned green.

Lu Ten rested his cheek against the man's knee and could not take his eyes from the flames. Some part of him screamed at him to seize the flames and destroy the man, then run and run and run-

To where? He's in the heart of Ba Sing Se. He's alone and badly injured. Even if he could somehow unleash a signal-flare, the army had withdrawn from the walls months ago.

The Fire Nation thought he was dead. Long Feng brought the proclamation of official mourning to his bedside in the Dai Li safehouse. Lu Ten had burned it; he yet lived, and as long as he lived, there was hope.

Long Feng only smiled.

Then word came his uncle had been crowned Firelord. Lu Ten waited and waited for word of a civil war, sure his father would oppose Uncle Ozai. The Dai Li, too, listened, and Lu Ten knew in his heart that Long Feng would gloat over such an outcome ( ... )


hiza_chan August 13 2010, 03:22:02 UTC
Sokka/Zuko/Jet, Not quite what I expected
Katara/Ty Lee, To me, this makes a lot of sense right now

God, I love all of your memes so much. :D


Sokka/Zuko/Jet, not quite what I expected beckyh2112 October 4 2010, 04:02:04 UTC
Jet knows a thing or three about the Water Tribes. They don't wear metal jewelry, for one thing, or carry swords. They call that weird little hairstyle a wolftail, and they were little better than wolves themselves.

Sokka wears an armband made of cowries the size a Fire Nation koban and ice that doesn't melt. He wears a neckguard made of loonwhale ivory, and there is a single brilliant blue bead in his hair. He wears a black sword across his back, too, which is new.

The Fire Nation man who walks a pace behind him wears silver bracelets and silver necklace. A massive burn-scar surrounds one eye, ugly and tempting as Katara's anger had been. He's new, too.

"Hey," Jet says, eyes drifting past Sokka to the Fire Nation man. "Where'd you get that?"

"Fire Nation, where else?" Sokka grins like he has since he was a boy, and Jet grins like he has since he was a boy, and the Fire Nation man looks between them as if he's expecting a fight to break out.

That's not new at all.


Re: Sokka/Zuko/Jet, not quite what I expected hiza_chan October 4 2010, 05:24:49 UTC
Mmmm, I love these boys. This made me smile. I especially love the ending lines. ♥


beboots August 13 2010, 03:29:17 UTC
Toph and Zuko - control.

Yue and Zuko - expediency.


Yue/Zuko, expediency beckyh2112 October 4 2010, 03:50:22 UTC
"Moon, ocean, and sun," Yue murmurs, stroking the Fire boy's tail of smoke-black hair. His face was bruised and cut, and she was certain if she looked under his clothes, the rest of his body would be so.

"Sun was a woman," Hahn says, binding arrowheads to arrowshafts. The burn-scar across his throat is ugly, like the burn-scar on the Fire boy's face. They are both marks of battle, and her heart fills with pride to see both of them so.

"We're not the moon and the ocean, are we?" she asks sweetly before bending down to press a feather-light kiss on her Fire boy's forehead. "But the three of us together... If we can be enough like the sun, moon, and ocean, we can bring the Avatar back."

"Hnh." But Hahn doesn't disagree.

Her Fire boy won't either. She won't let him.


Re: Yue/Zuko, expediency beboots October 4 2010, 03:52:27 UTC
Ooh... this is a different side of Yue! Very interesting! I'm quite fascinated by the dynamic going on here... Yue seems to view Zuko with some kind of affection (adorable!) but Zuko seems to be unconscious, and presumably those injuries are the ones he had in canon... Hmm... there's something very interesting going on here! :)

Thank you so much for writing this!


Yue and Zuko, expediency, take two beckyh2112 October 11 2010, 00:37:53 UTC
Mistress is in danger.

Firescar hardly thinks - Mistress is in danger, Mistress is crying, Mistress is being pulled along without pushing back! He leaps into the path, scarfire flaring on his hands. "Let her go!"

The man in the red armor stares.

"Let her go!" Firescar says again, bits stirring under his scar to make it itch. Bits telling him how to use his scarfire to make the man let her go-

But he must not use his scarfire on another human, not ever. Chief Arnook will give him to Master Pakku to drown, to freeze and die in the icy waters.

Mistress is crying, though, and he doesn't know what he will do if the red-armored man doesn't let her go.

"Prince Zuko?" The man says as if he does not quite believe in it.

Firescar shatters.


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