Quick Meme: Anger

Jul 30, 2010 22:43

I am furious due to various and diverse circumstances. I want to write to get that out of my head.

Post one word, and I will write whatever the hell I feel like.


character: krisuk, character: junkions, character: earth kingdom, character: jeong-jeong, character: song, character: fire nation, character: autobots, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: stunticons, writing, original fiction, series: avatar, character: hahn, series: g1 transformers, character: azula, character: iroh, character: dai li

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Comments 56

avocado_love July 31 2010, 04:12:38 UTC


Dominate beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 04:31:14 UTC
There is nothing more beautiful than the muscled line of Ozai's back as he is forced prostrate on the floor of the throne room. Nothing more attractive than the burn scars the Firelord placed there with his own hands.

Iroh smiles down at his quivering brother. Not with fear does his brother tremble, he knows, but with fury.

The glint of madness that has been in Iroh's eyes since the death of his son is full blaze in his brother's.

At least Roku's whore is dead.

Iroh hasn't bothered to tell his brother that yet; it will just make the fool fight when he should submit.


Re: Dominate avocado_love July 31 2010, 04:33:15 UTC
LOL. Oh Ozai... you'd better hope it's over with quickly.

Great little scene there!


Re: Dominate beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 04:35:22 UTC


dunmurderin July 31 2010, 04:12:46 UTC


Law beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 04:34:43 UTC
"I am the law! Lay down your weapons and prepare to be judged!"

Blasterfire erupted from the other side of the barricade, and Kup grabbed Pee-Dee by the wrist and yanked her out of too-much harm's way. He wound up snapping her hand off by doing so, but the Junkion just reattached it.

Frantically, he wracked his memory banks for the right teevee quote to tell her to never do that again. Ah, that'd work. "You do that again, I'll shoot you myself!"


Re: Law dunmurderin July 31 2010, 04:58:04 UTC
Niiice 8)


poptartodoom July 31 2010, 04:16:00 UTC


Odious beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 04:46:44 UTC
Latta tears gobbets of meat from the corpse, wolfing them down. Blood and less nameable juices run down her jaw, drip from her chin to stain her clothes. Her hands are bloody and little bits of meat stick in her nails.

Dorje felt himself turning green. He hastily stood up and hobbled away from the Protectorate soldier. There wasn't far he could go on his bad leg, Nahr-ee reminded him, but it wasn't bothered by Latta grabbing some calories before their assault on the main camp.

He wanted to puke, though.

Sure, Latta wasn't human, but she looked enough like it that it turned his stomach to see her eating dead humans.


moonys_autumn July 31 2010, 04:18:10 UTC


Imagined beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 04:55:31 UTC
The stone rose moves, petals unfurling and opening and swinging wide to reveal a door.


Lanh pulls a sword out of Chatri's chest- there is a hole there. Not a hole like he's been stabbed, but a hole like there was never flesh or bone or blood.


The boy from Guoyin slices Lanh's cheek open with a good thrust.


When it's all over, Lanh gently pushes the sword back into Chatri, holding his breath because he is sure he must be hurting his fellow Dai Li trainee.


In the morning, Lanh sat up in bed, then rolled his eyes as he recalled some of the night before. "... That wasn't a homoerotic dream at all."

He stood and relieved himself, then washed in the washbasin. There was stubble on his chin, and he went hunting for a mirror to guide his razor.

There was a cut on his cheek.


Re: Imagined moonys_autumn July 31 2010, 05:00:50 UTC
Ooh, how curious. What exactly did you get up to last night, Lanh? :)

Thank you very much for the fic.


weirdlet July 31 2010, 04:24:08 UTC


Foam beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 05:07:09 UTC
The tales say the Moon's rejected suitor collapsed into seafoam and was borne away by the tide.

Not all tales are true.

Hahn climbs up the knotted rope Krisuk let over the side of the Inner Wall, bearing a brace of birds. The moon shines, catching on his shadow-spun hair, and he says thanks to Yue for staying bright enough for him to see when he hunted in the Agrarian Zone.

The guards on the wall look uncomfortable to see him, but they always did. Something about being crazy. Fuckers.


Re: Foam weirdlet July 31 2010, 05:15:33 UTC
Never easy on those left behind- are they calling him crazy because he talks to Yue, or is it the general assumption, like you ought to go mad after this sort of thing?


Re: Foam beckyh2112 July 31 2010, 05:18:54 UTC
Because he talks to the moon and says she's his betrothed. They don't know he's ex-dead, too, or they'd lock him up for his own good.


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