[Original] Wings to the City

Apr 29, 2010 19:14

Title: Wings to the City
Genre: Supernatural/Fantasy/Historical
Word Count: 1000+
Rating: G
Summary: Four nephilim around the city of Tarjan.
Author's Notes: This is less story and more character and idea sketching. Criticism isn't wanted; I'm putting this up for story_lottery and nothing more.

Wings to the City )

writing, original fiction, table: story_lottery

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Comments 3

lunatron April 30 2010, 00:44:40 UTC
Ooooh, nephilim! And you made a female one! Ah, those 'mighty men', sons of angels and mortal women. Cool to see someone do something with them that seems pretty based in actual history.


beboots April 30 2010, 02:13:57 UTC
Ooh... I really liked this. :) Again, I really do love stories with winged people. I think that you did a very good job with setting up the atmosphere and, well, the culture in which this story is set. It "feels" like the Middle East without straying into orientalism.

I'm also very intrigued by this characters, and I sincerely hope to read more of them again. :) I was especially interested in Lila, and the ramifications of being a woman with wings in an Islamic world.


littleseastar May 4 2010, 06:41:23 UTC
The setting is extremely interesting, and I adore the different materials the wings are made of.


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