[Original] Not Enough Spoons

Apr 18, 2010 11:08

Title: Not Enough Spoons
Genre: Science Fiction
Word Count: 1100+
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Latta and Dorje argue, because even being two outcasts together, their cultural assumptions are still pretty far apart.
Author's Notes: This is what happens when I only have a vague idea of what I'm doing with the setting and have never written the characters ( Read more... )

writing, original fiction, table: story_lottery

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Comments 4

lunatron April 18 2010, 19:04:49 UTC
Somewhat confusing, in that I had to reread it a few times and am still confused, but it seems interesting, so far.


beckyh2112 April 18 2010, 19:26:57 UTC
Keeping track of our IM discussion for ease of future reference ( ... )


bookblather April 18 2010, 21:17:57 UTC
I agree with Luna; some of the background points are confusing. However, I think you have a very compelling set of characters here. I'm especially intrigued by Latta, her injury, and what exactly she did that made her not want to go home, ever. It sounds like an excellent start.

Also, I love the essay you got the title from. It's bar-none the best way I've found to explain chronic illness of any sort.


beckyh2112 May 8 2010, 04:39:36 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, there's a lot of problems with this - problem of the writer knowing what's going on and forgetting to communicate it.

That essay is one I like to dig up a lot and give to people. I find it's helpful for all sorts of chronic illnesses, even non-physical ones.


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