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Comments 92

For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:35:15 UTC
Title: Summer Daze
'Verse: slave!Liu
Characters: Ichiro, Liu


Ichiro crouched in the shade of the cranapple orchard, panting slightly. Sweat trickled through his hair and rolled down his back. He'd shrugged off his shirt around midmorning, but with the sun approaching its zenith, he felt like he had way too many clothes on. When was the last time summer had been this hot ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck dark_puck January 4 2010, 03:53:17 UTC
Glee! *bounces and claps her hands* So I kinda love you. Lots. And lots.


Re: For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 22:27:30 UTC
*hugs!* Love you back, babe. <3


For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:35:40 UTC
Title: Morning After
'Verse: Uh. Canonish?
Characters: Jae/Huan
Author's Notes: So technically Jae's braid should be cut off by now, but it's prettiful.


Huan woke up sore the morning after. Which, given he and the earthbender had gone all night, made complete sense. Whoa. He'd always heard that Earthfolk had stamina, but he'd figured people had to be exaggerrating.

Yeah, so much for that theory.

He stretched and listened. He heard someone moving around in the other room in the apartment. Probably Jae. He wondered if the man had rebraided his hair yet, or if it was still flowing all pretty and loose down his back. Mmm. It had been nice to tangle his hands in it while Jae fucked him. And yanking hair wasn't as good as blazing his passion, but the earthbender didn't know he was a firebender and that was so not the way to tell him ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:35:57 UTC
Jae leaned against the stone shield of the stove-front and took a bite of his steamed bread. His eyes were on Huan, brown eyes intense. Not the same sort of intense they'd been last night when he'd pressed Huan against the wall with his body, just before he dove into a kiss. This intensity made Huan feel like he was being weighed, evaluated ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck dark_puck January 4 2010, 03:57:11 UTC
*wibbles* Oh. Oh, Huan, you poor kid. Jae is so good for you. You did a great job with this one, Bexlove.


Re: For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 22:35:56 UTC
*cuddles* I'm glad. Poor Huan, he's so messed up, and it's sad that Jae is the one who's good for him.


For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:36:39 UTC
Title: Flutter
'Verse: Thunder God
Characters: Torako/Kouji ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:37:00 UTC
Her fan came up almost to cover her eyes, still. It hid much of her face and led him to look in her eyes. "My father and Firelord Ozai disagreed, and the Firelord sent him to war in the Earth Kingdom. It was all right." The way her eyes tightened told him that was a lie. "Mother and I would visit him when it was safe to do so." Her voiced hardened. "Firelord Azula loathed my father, and she forbade us to go to him, or him to come home."

Ozai tried to kill her father. Politely, circumspectly, but Kouji had learned enough of Fire Nation politics to know a murder attempt when he heard one. But- He'd met the Phoenix King. Once. Once was enough, more than enough. Even burnt out, Ozai seemed the type to take it to Agni Kai as was his right. Her father must have been a very powerful daimyo for him to do what he did ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:37:19 UTC
"I... d-don't think I've seen it before." Kouji wasn't entirely certain, but he kind of got the impression she wanted to go see it with him. Or maybe just go see it, and he was convenient as an escort. Almost certainly that, he decided.

"Oh, I'd love to take you. It's no fun to go to these kinds of things alone."

He smiled, captivated by those bright grey eyes of hers. "I... That would be enjoyable, I think. To go with you, I mean."

That was quite possibly the stupidest thing he'd ever said in his life, slagslagslag"I'm glad." The woman practically beamed at him, her eyes shining ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck dark_puck January 4 2010, 04:10:51 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! <3 This is downright ADORABLE. You nailed Kouji and his shyness and his worse-than-Failkoness right down. I love you. I can't say this enough.


For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:37:38 UTC
'Verse: Lu Feng
Characters: Hyo


Hyo drums his fingers against his thigh, watching as Long Feng- Lu Feng, he's melded his names now - runs through firebending katas. He produces no fire; except for that one moment with Iroh - his father - it seems his firebending is gone. But he still practices firebending.

Lu Feng looks different from Long Feng. It's the way his face moves, Hyo thinks. The Fire Nation parts of him aren't slammed under so much mindbending he can hardly breathe anymore.

And the gold eyes, of course.

The gold eyes disconcert people. Especially Jae and Qin. Both of them have been a bit of a mess since- since what happened was revealed. Hyo knows he and Long Feng are going to have to- Lu Feng, he corrects himself. He and Lu Feng are going to have to address what actually happened and take steps-

Long Feng is NOT Lu Ten.

Hyo killed Lu Ten. He killed the Fire prince with his bare hands and earthbending. He watched the light go out in the man's eyes, and that man was not Long Feng ( ... )


Re: For Dark_Puck dark_puck January 4 2010, 04:12:28 UTC
I do believe Xin Wan is a dead man. Poor Lu Feng. Poor Hyo. Poor Ba Sing Se.


Re: For Dark_Puck beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 22:37:14 UTC
Xin Wan will be very wibblesome over that. Poor Ba Sing Se.


For suzukiblu: Selkie Katara beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:38:15 UTC
Katara wrapped her skin around herself, slipping from human to seal. She paused on the shore for a moment, then slithered through the surf until the sand fell away beneath her flippers.

For the first time since she was a child, she swam. She arrowed through the too-warm, too-bright water. Instincts rose up as if she'd never left the ocean, never become a human girl for her mother, never stayed a human girl for her father. Fish-motion caught her eye, and she gave chase, delighting in her swiftness and grace. Teeth closed around a fish, and she swallowed it down happily.

She should have come back to the ocean a long time ago.

Sokka should have been with her. He should have, but he'd all but thrown his skin at Suki. The Earth girl didn't even know what she had, didn't know anything.

(Aang didn't know anything either, not about the important things. Not about the sealskin she left lying around oh-so casually.)

At least Yue had known what Sokka had offered her ( ... )


Re: For suzukiblu: Selkie Katara avocado_love January 4 2010, 04:56:44 UTC
This is so cool and an instant favorite. (I'm gonna have to look up some Selkie legends now)


Re: For suzukiblu: Selkie Katara beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 22:38:02 UTC
Thank you! Selkie legends are some of my favorite Celtic fairytales. Very sad, almost inevitably. *has some selkie songs laying around someplace too*


Re: For suzukiblu: Selkie Katara suzukiblu January 4 2010, 10:08:29 UTC
Kataang. :DDD

Kataang four times, and not incredibly BORING Kataang! I. I do not even know what to say to that it is beautiful. Especially this one. This one is sooo very pretty. *strokes it* I really like how Katara does/doesn't want her freedom and how upset she is about the difference between Suki and Yue (Sokka, you manslut <3) and Aang just not getting it and ahhhhhnoself you CANNOT write the epic story of selkie!Katara and Sokka and their respective romances, you cannot.

But this piece definitely makes me want to.


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