Giftfic for Crystaldrake

Dec 23, 2009 22:10

I'll probably do a round-up of the other giftfics I've scattered hither and yon once they're revealed, too.

Title: Pulse
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Characters: Pakku/Piandao, Kanna
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500+
Summary: Kanna can't stand to have Pakku around when the moon is full.

Pulse )

writing, character: water tribe, series: avatar, character: piandao, character: pakku

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Comments 11

crystaldrake December 25 2009, 02:08:38 UTC
Ohh, Piandao/Pakku. I love it.

Thank you.


beckyh2112 December 25 2009, 18:03:56 UTC
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoy it!


blue_lacquer December 25 2009, 16:40:39 UTC
I really like this. :)

I like how the relationships are complicated (Pakku/Kanna, Pakku and the other members of the White Lotus), but there is no drama or angst about any of it.

I also like the application of the "want, take, have" quote to Fire Nation folk--very fitting.


beckyh2112 December 25 2009, 18:08:08 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Pakku really does not lend himself well to angst, to me. He's more likely to get angry over something that upsets him. Or dour. But angstiness just doesn't fit into the way he handles himself. (Also, I've been wanting to touch on how he feels about Iroh for ages.)

I find doing a mixture of Saiyans and Decepticons for the Fire Nation works very well.


blue_lacquer December 26 2009, 01:08:10 UTC
I've always wondered how Iroh joined the Order of the White Lotus, and how he fit in with the non-Fire Nation members. I like the idea of his membership being Bumi's doing, and Pakku not being happy about it at all.


yukinoomoni December 28 2009, 02:14:28 UTC
Oh, neat. I also like the mention of how the Order works. I can absolutely imagine Bumi sponsoring Iroh.


beckyh2112 December 28 2009, 23:44:34 UTC
Thank you! Bumi seems the only logical choice to sponsor someone like Iroh, really, of the White Lotus members we've actually met. Plus, well, Bumi.


plushulala December 28 2009, 19:55:01 UTC
Oh yayz! <3

I'd love to read more about your thoughts on the Order.


beckyh2112 December 28 2009, 23:46:31 UTC
Thank you!

Would you? Because I don't really have that much more. Just figure, based on the bit in "Sokka's Master", that a new member has to be sponsored by a former member. Additionally, you can't sponsor someone from your own nation to join.

I'm not sure if I hallucinated this bit or if it was in "The Old Masters", but I have this notion the OWL is about cross-nation understanding and knowledge and (hopefully) cooperation. So the not being able to sponsor someone from your own nation is to encourage you to actually go out there and meet other people and learn about them.


plushulala January 1 2010, 09:11:01 UTC
Would you? Because I don't really have that much more. Just figure, based on the bit in "Sokka's Master", that a new member has to be sponsored by a former member. Additionally, you can't sponsor someone from your own nation to join.

Never thought of something like that but it makes perfect sense.

I'm not sure if I hallucinated this bit or if it was in "The Old Masters", but I have this notion the OWL is about cross-nation understanding and knowledge and (hopefully) cooperation. So the not being able to sponsor someone from your own nation is to encourage you to actually go out there and meet other people and learn about them.

I kinda figured this as well.

I was interested in the motivation behind Bumi sponsoring Iroh. I had always had the same idea that it would be Bumi to get Iroh in (without telling anyone until Iroh just showed up at a meeting "HAI GAIZ!"), and I also had the idea that Bumi would let Azula in once he broke her out of the asylum, but I could never figure out what his crazy reasoning for doing it was going to


beckyh2112 January 1 2010, 18:21:41 UTC
Bumi is a character I have a really hard time getting inside the head of, unfortunately. We don't see enough of him for me to really get a good idea of the way his crazy actually manifests and works inside his head. Or maybe I've not watched his episodes enough.


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