[Transformers Fic] Storm Warning

Nov 11, 2009 18:55

I started this fic last year for springkink and have only just now finished it. Go me.

Title: Storm Warning
Characters: Silverbolt/Motormaster, Starscream, other Seekers
Rating: R
Word Count: 2100+
Warning: Implied non-con by Seekers
Summary: After getting caught in one of the Seekers' games, Silverbolt has to walk back to Autobot base. Unfortunately, ( Read more... )

character: stunticons, character: aerialbots, writing, character: seekers, series: g1 transformers, table: fanfic100

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Comments 13

kyra_neko_rei November 12 2009, 01:31:30 UTC


mdperera November 12 2009, 11:13:31 UTC
You've made me enjoy this pairing a LOT. Not just because the story is well-written, but because Silverbolt is one of the few mechs who can more or or less hold his own against Motormaster, mentally if not physically. There are so many fics where Motormaster is raping someone that it's wonderful to read one where his partner isn't completely helpless. Thanks!


beckyh2112 November 12 2009, 21:10:22 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Silverbolt really is one of the few mechs who can deal effectively with Motormaster, especially since I tend to give the Stunticons' forcefields a weakness to high voltage. Motormaster raping people is way too boring and overdone, so writing consensual sex with him and 'Bolt was a lot of fun. ^_^


lunatron November 12 2009, 21:00:03 UTC
"You fly on the creance until you get loose or get off."

Amusing innuendo.


beckyh2112 November 12 2009, 21:10:38 UTC
Heh. I got that from Koi ages and ages ago. *grins*


ultharkitty November 12 2009, 21:02:53 UTC
Very nicely done. *is impressed*

Silverbolt just seems... right in this. In some things, he comes across as a bit too sweet, so it's good to see him holding his own, getting through an ordeal, and turning it to his own advantage.

Plus, y'know, well-written and well-characterised fics always please me, especially when there's some enthusiastic violent smut goin' on ;)


beckyh2112 November 12 2009, 21:18:15 UTC
It is said in Ulthar, no man may kill a cat.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I really think people tend to make Silverbolt a bit too fluffy sometimes. He's a nice guy, but he's also a passenger-jet who has successfully managed four fighter-jets and who was specifically built to fight Decepticons. There's room for some serious nastiness with him.


ultharkitty November 12 2009, 22:46:11 UTC
Cthulhu fhtagn!

I think I've developed a bit of a taste for Stunticons, thanks to a certain person *looks meaningfully in the direction of up* and this fic has taken the first step to making me like the Aerialbots a whole lot more too.

Apart from Slingshot, who is an aft


beckyh2112 November 12 2009, 23:01:43 UTC
In his dread house of Ry'leh, dead Cthulhu lies dreaming. (I need to go find the Dreamlands book now.)

Stunticons are just so awesome and broken. *grins* I wish monoshiri still wrote them. Aerialbots are fun, though I feel like I've only got a grasp on two of them as characters.

Slingshot, honestly, is my favorite Aerialbot to RP. 'Cause he's an ass. ^_^


tv_the_sue November 13 2009, 17:14:38 UTC
Hmmm... Motormaster ought to know slightly better than to come up against Silverbolt with lightning around.

Silverbolt may be a pretty little bitch Moto, but he's nobody's pretty little bitch. You can try keeping him though.


beckyh2112 November 14 2009, 01:25:13 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah, Motormaster has bitten off more than he can chew when it comes to Silverbolt. Also, your icon is adorable. ^_^


tv_the_sue November 14 2009, 01:40:56 UTC
Yeap, this is the First crossfaction pairing I ship XD

Moto likes a challenge, evidently. Keke, I love it too. Silverbolt totally loves trucks, the only not-truck and not-Aerialbot he's ever paired with is Skyfire. I bet its cause of their engines.


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