Saiyan Ozai!

Oct 05, 2009 00:05

Because I've been threatening Pux with it for ages, and I watched my DragonballZ movies tonight. Well, only two of them.


"Azulon!" Firelady Ilah called as she strode into the throne room. Her lacquered armor gleamed in the firelight cast by his fires, and she cradled a strange bundle in her arms. It reminded him of the days when their son was but an infant.

"Ilah," he said from his throne, lowering the flames so his wife could approach him. "You've returned early."

"I found something much more interesting than a dragon." She laughed with pure delight, the scars across her face pulling tight. "Look, Azulon! I found a boy!"

She thrust out the bundle in her arms, and it was a child. A boy with wild hair and golden eyes, so tightly wrapped he could not move but expression so furious it took Azulon aback. A dragon could not be fiercer than this strange child in his wife's arms.

"So it is," he said levelly and did not take the boy from her.

After a moment, Ilah drew him back to her. The boy snarled, and she cooed softly in Old Fire until he subsided, then lifted her face back to Azulon. "He's a spirit-child. I found him in the hills, in a perfect sphere of metal." She smiled and nuzzled the child's wild hair. "He's not human. He has a monkey's tail."

A monkey-tailed child. A spirit-child. Azulon settled back on his throne and regarded Ilah's new delight with wariness. "Why did you take him, Ilah?"

In the firelight, he saw her knuckles whiten as she tightened her grip on the boy. "You know I've wanted a second child. I may not be able to have one of my own flesh and blood anymore, but I've offered often and well to the spirits. Now they've seen fit to reward me."


His wife stepped back, cradling the child close to her chest. "He's ours, Azulon. Our second son." She smiled down at the boy. "His name will be Ozai."


writing, series: avatar, character: fire nation, series: dragonballz, character: ozai

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