[Avatar Fic] Distraction

Sep 18, 2009 20:32

Title: Distraction
Characters: Zuko/Song
Word Count: 2200+
Rating: NC-17
Summary: While pursuing the Avatar on his way to the North Pole, Zuko runs into a pretty Earth girl. Or, rather, he chases a pretty Earth girl because she's from the village where the Avatar was not two days before.
Author's Notes: This is for inuyatta on the unending writing meme of doom.


The scarred Fire boy's harsh pants echoed in her ears, and his weight was heavy as he pinned her against the tree. His armor bit through her hanbok, and she knew she'd be bruised in strange places tomorrow.

Song struggled against him, but he had her hands pinned, and he was armored while she was not.

"Stop it," the Fire boy growled. "Just stop- I just want to ask you some questions, ashes consume you!"

"Smother," Song snarled at him. She'd seen other Fire soldiers before she'd run. (Some part of her regretted the dropped basket of gathered mushrooms and berries.) This scarred boy had been the only one to give her chase, and she was more fleet than anyone in armor.

Which was why he'd raised a wall of fire in front of her.

The fire was gone now, but she still felt the potential of it in the fever-burn of his hands on her wrists. "The Avatar," he growled, voice raspy like so many Firefolk's were. "I know he came through your village. Where did he go?"

She lunged against him, sinking her teeth into his shaved scalp.

His hands tightened on her wrists, hot enough to make her fear new burn scars. He jerked back, the bite rapidly bruising and the skin scraped. He snorted steam and shook his head, causing the long horse-tail he wore to wave. "Do not do that again."

"I won't if you let me go," she demanded, staring at him defiantly. He was just a boy, not any older than she was, just as scarred as she was. But he was still a Fire soldier, and he was still male, and he still had her pinned.

"Tell me where the Avatar went, and I will."

Song remembered the great bison and the smiling boy. He couldn't fall into the Fire Nation's hands. She'd never give this Fire boy what he wanted. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know something," he insisted, pressing hard against her. "Don't lie to me!"

She snapped her teeth at him.

He snapped his back.

She glared, but she had to admit he was being surprisingly restrained. Any other soldier would have cracked her skull against the tree for that bite. She'd expected new scars for her daring.

But he wasn't deliberately hurting her. It was... very strange.

"I won't tell you anything," she said.

With a frustrated groan, he pushed her up against the tree so she half-rose off her feet. "Look! Just tell me what I want to know, and I'll let you go!"

He sounded almost like he was begging.

Song's breathing came quick and sharp, painfully loud in her ears. His armored body was hot and hard against hers, and she wanted so badly to be let go, to get away from him and the other soldiers. But she wouldn't tell him about Aang and his friends. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" He leaned in close, his right eye matching the forced glare his scar pulled his left eye into. His breath hit her cheek, hot and smelling of spice. "Do you want to be a Fire Nation prisoner?"

The only thing she wanted less in the world was for this boy to get his hands on the Avatar.

She needed to distract him. She needed to get to her needles.

He was so very close.

Song kissed him, and his mouth opened in surprise, and then he was kissing her-

His kisses were fumbling, awkward, but no worse than any of the other boys Song had necked with. He'd get better. He'd better get better because his kisses were demanding in a way no one else's had ever been.

She kissed back, but it wasn't in her nature to match ferocity with ferocity. She yielded more than she thought she ought, for an Earth girl kissing a Fire boy, but there was a drive in him she couldn't match. Didn't want to match.

She hissed in surprise when he drew one of her hands up, gasped when he let go of her wrist then pinned her hand between his chest and hers. His free hand he raised to grip her shoulder.

The fingers of his other hand entwined with hers, and she wondered what sort of awful parody of lovers they looked like.

Oh, but she did like kissing him.

Very much.

She nudged her knee against his, and he rumbled almost like a content cat and nudged back. His thigh slid between hers, pinning her long skirt and pressing his hard armor against her.

Song made a soft sound and wriggled against him, and he pressed even more against her.

She'd had boys do that before, and she knew what it meant. He still kissed her fiercely as she drew their clasped hands to his hip and slipped between their bodies.

He made a startled sound as she twisted her hand in his grasp to undo his belt, and she kissed him all the harder.

He brought his free hand to knead her breasts, a little harder than she would have liked, and then she undid his belt and let it hang open. His hand on her wrist dug fingernails in, and she smiled into his kisses as she cupped him through his pants. The edge of his leg-armor dug into the back of her hand, but he jerked hard and desperate against her.

He let go of her hands to yank her skirt up, and she almost went for her needles. But it seemed a bit of a pity, and she could poison him just as well after as now.

"How many layers do you wear?" He muttered as he got her skirt up to reveal her pantaloons.

"How many do you?" She challenged, pushing the plates of his leg-armor as far as they would go and tugging at his pants.

"It's armor, you wear clothes under armor, that's part of the design," he protested even as he fumbled with the ties on her pantaloons.

His pants came down first, and she stroked him, and he gasped fire.

She froze, and he pushed her pantaloons down.

Suddenly it wasn't fun anymore.

"Hey," he said softly, sounding confused. His hands gripped her hips, and she tried not to look down. She didn't want to see him, didn't want to see what she was about to let happen.

This was farther than she'd ever gone with a boy before. And this one was a firebender.

She turned her head away and bit her lip. She could do this.

His fingertips touched the top of the lattice of scars climbing her thigh.

She felt his eyes on her, and she looked back at him. His expression startled her - rage or pleasure she could have understood. But he looked like a confused hedgepuppy.

"These are old," he said finally, gaze on her leg. "Ten, eleven years old, maybe."

Of course, she thought. Of course someone from the Fire Nation would be able to read burn scars that way.

"You'd have been a little girl." A pause, and he lifted confused gold eyes to hers. "Why would someone scar a little girl?"

The scar around his left eye, the mistreated scar that had to have festered with infection, was a mocking contrast to his question.

Why would someone scar a Fire Nation boy?

"He wanted something from my father," she said finally.

The scarred boy looked horrified, and his eyes slipped down to stare intently at the scars on her leg. He touched them softly, and his fingertips were hotter than they had been even when he kissed her. "Who did this?"

She shuddered as heat waves rose from his shoulders and scalp. "It was a long time ago-"

His fingertips blazed with white-hot heat, and she whimpered. Immediately he jerked his hand away, and she snapped her teeth at him.

"I'm sorry," he muttered like the words had never crossed his lips before.


He pressed her harder against the tree, cock sliding against her thigh. "Tell me who did that to you," he demanded. "I'll kill him myself."

"Get chained in metal and dropped in the ocean," she snarled, struggling against him again. At least he'd forgotten about the Avatar. But she wouldn't tell him anything-

- Why not?

He snarled in response, and then he was kissing her again.

She responded to the kisses, her arms going around him and one hand reaching up to grab him by the base of his horsetail. He shivered as her fingertips kneaded his scalp and rubbed against her.

The anger drained out of her, and she shifted her hips so he could rub against something a bit softer.

He gasped, hands on her hips urging her up. She rose on her tiptoes, and the tip of him nudged at her entrance. She reached between them to guide him, and he pressed into her.

It hurt, she couldn't deny that it hurt, that she probably wasn't ready for this. But it felt good too, and she did her best to concentrate on that.

He thrust into her and kissed her, and these kisses were even more fumbling than when he'd been kissing her at first. But, she thought a bit giddily, he was rather distracted.

Her fingertips came to rest on his scar, and he lost his rhythm.

"Don't-" He growled.

"You touched mine."

He frowned but nodded, and his thrusting came quicker. Song held onto him and thought about the basket full of good mushrooms she'd lost.

He tensed and sucked in air, and she felt him come inside her. It was rather strange, and she hoped she didn't get with child from this.

The Fire Nation boy relaxed slowly and nuzzled her shoulder. She patted his scalp with something like fondness and tried to find one of her needles.

"No," he said, frowning, and she froze. "Damn it, I should have been listening closer," he muttered, one hand falling down to rub her thigh.

"Listen to what?" She asked, wriggling against the feeling of him softening inside her.

His breath hitched. "Just- Uncle. And what you're supposed to do with girls."

Song felt herself smiling. He was kind of endearing, for a Fire boy.

"I know this," he muttered, then he grumbled and started to pull up his pants. "I know this, stop trying to leave, we're not done yet."

She wriggled a bit farther out from under his weight, trying to make it look like she was obeying him and knowing she was failing. "Oh, I'm sure you need to get back with the rest of your squad-"

He looked momentarily completely mortified. Then his expression hardened to determination. "We're not done yet."

"I think you're plenty done," she said, glancing significantly at his groin.

"You're not done," he insisted, grabbing her by the wrists. "Damn it, let me do this, I know what I'm doing!"

Song considered struggling again, but really, if she agreed, she could get her hands free and jab him with her needles. "All right."

He offered her a tentative smile, then dropped to his knees in front of her and pushed up the hem of her skirt.

She gleeped in surprise as his knees hit the ground, and outright gasped when he nuzzled her center. "What are you doing?"

"I know what I'm doing!" Was his somewhat-muffled response. He licked carefully, and she grabbed him by the base of his horsetail. That had felt good.

"Have you ever done this before?"

"... No."

"So you don't actually know what you're- Oh!" She jerked on his ponytail, trying to shift him closer to that place his tongue had flicked against.

It felt good, hot and wet and enthusiastic. He flailed around sometimes, but his unsureness made it a little sweeter, a little less galling to know it was a Fire Nation boy under her skirt.

She made soft little sounds as he licked her, hands tight on his horsetail. Then he found the best spot yet, and she yanked hard on his horsetail to keep him there when he tried to move away.

It took some time after that, and she worried he would get tired or bored. Then she stopped worrying at all because everything in her narrowed down to the sensations between her legs, to writhing and gasping and oh-

He did stop sometime after that, and she was very thankful because she didn't think she would have stopped on her own.

He pushed her skirt up again and stood, arms wrapping around her waist. He gazed at her, looking well-pleased, and she kissed him. His lips were wet, and he tasted different.

The kiss broke, and she stared at him and wondered what in the name of the Seven she was supposed to do now.

She didn't even know his name.

The bite she'd made on his scalp was looking distinctively like a bite.

It was still nice to be held like this. Even if he was a Fire boy.

"It's getting dark," she said finally. "I need to get home."

"Yeah, I- need to get back to camp." He held onto her a moment longer, then let go of her and stepped back.

Song hastily pulled up her pantaloons beneath her skirts and tied them sloppily. She couldn't say she hoped she'd see him again. He was a Fire Nation soldier.

He probably thought much the same about her.

They parted in silence, going in opposite directions.


table: 100_women, character: song, writing, series: avatar, character: zuko

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