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Ani: Prowl and Optimus Prime beckyh2112 July 16 2009, 19:20:11 UTC
Be at peace, his old master said. In peace, one can find one's center and never lose it.

Prowl thought the most peaceful color in the world was blue. He was not surprised to see how it decorated Optimus.

On Earth, there was more blue than he could imagine. More colors than he had ever seen on Cybertron, and after the color-drought of traveling in space, it was a deluge. He floundered, flailed, drowned in colors. Sari's hair, cars zipping down the streets, the Angry Archer's clothing, the sky held up by Detroit's towers...

Then he discovered that outside the city, the sky was not held up by Detroit's towers.

He stood and stood and stood, wondering when he would fall into the endless blue.

He stood, head tilted back, and thought, This is why Optimus's optics are blue.


liona_skycat July 1 2009, 23:28:15 UTC
1. TFA - Strika/Lugnut.

2. DZ - At least some of the movie-'Cons get high/drunk off electricity by accident. Other characters welcome for maximum amusement purposes.

3. TFA - (Demoted?) Sentinel trying to deal with a new Autobot recruit... Wreck-Gar.


DZ - Movie 'Cons and Electricity beckyh2112 July 6 2009, 22:40:46 UTC
Frenzy curls up in Barricade's hands, burbling happily in a wash of Cybertronian, machine code, Japanese, Swahili, Centauri, and Solarian. His limbs twitch spasmodically as lightning strokes over them like a lover.

Barricade's engine hums with his delight as he curls around his partner, electricity flickering from joints. He feels a warm, bright charge in his systems, all the world full of color and sound and tastes. Everything is vibrant and alive, and he wants to get into it and investigate it, because it is interesting.

Bonecrusher thinks he might not hate this flicker-charge feeling of exultation and triumph.

Blackout feels air curling over his rotors and through his systems, and he has a Scorponok to hold onto and this is clearly the best place in the entire world to be, bar none, and he will destroy anyone who tries to make him move.

Wreckage curls around the little mech who caused all of this, fingers picking lightly over silver antlers and mind dreaming of blue wings and silences.

"You are all very strange, strange," ( ... )


Re: DZ - Movie 'Cons and Electricity slackeremeritus July 6 2009, 22:49:02 UTC
*giggles endlessly* Movie 'Con hippie love-trip pile!


Re: DZ - Movie 'Cons and Electricity liona_skycat July 6 2009, 22:55:23 UTC
Eeee, thank you! ^_^ That was all kinds of fun. Love all their different ways of being (relatively) mellowed out.


invisiblemoose July 1 2009, 23:51:15 UTC
Yay! I love these things.

-Anything with Animated Blitzwing in it. Something amusing.

-Starscream having A Good Day on Gillnan III.

-A time Counterpunch's secret was nearly compromised to a Decepticon.

Thanks in advance!


P/CP Gets Compromised beckyh2112 July 3 2009, 18:53:09 UTC
"So how come you've got two robot-modes?" Motormaster asks, apropos of nothing.

Counterpunch's fluids stop, and he wonders if this is what it's like to be dead and still rolling around. "What the frag?"

"Sensed you transform the other day," the truck answers, rolling his shoulders in a shrug.

- Frag, frag, frag, and smelt him down for sheet metal! All right, all right, what the frag-? Lie like a rug! Lie like a fragging rug, like his life depends on it because it does! "I'm a spy. You know about the whole 'spy' thing, right? Autobots wouldn't exactly trust a Decepticon to go rummaging through their stuff."

Motormaster nods. "Aight."

"Now," Counterpunch says, "You weren't supposed to see that. But because I like you-" As far as big, black trucks named Motormaster go, the one that's discovered Zen is a much better choice -"I won't mention it to Spinister, and he won't take you out and shoot you. Got it?"

"... Got it."


Re: P/CP Gets Compromised invisiblemoose July 3 2009, 20:43:15 UTC
Hahaha, nice.

I love how indifferent Motormaster is during the whole exchange.



Re: P/CP Gets Compromised air_n_darkness July 8 2009, 23:25:14 UTC
okay, so far, loving all the DZ stuff like whoa.

Can you tell I'm catching up on this thread?


suzukiblu July 2 2009, 03:02:13 UTC
Jet/Song; pressure-point orgasm, “The boy fights with butcher hooks.”

Post-Siege of the North Sokka/Yue; the moon is drowning in its sleep

Captain Avatar and the Planeteers high school AU: LOOTING AND POLLUTING IS NOT THE WAY, ZUKO.

Yes I went there. I HAVE NO REGRETS.


calicojane July 2 2009, 05:38:45 UTC
Ahhahahaha! Me-too's Captain Avatar request like *whoa*, because I almost asked suzukiblu for that very thing on her meme! (can it come with side order of Sokka making creative use of the power of heart plz?)

Also, because I possess no shame whatsoever:

Vampatar - How Jet got turned.

Vampatar - Hakoda tracks down fugitive Ozai and must make a pointed demonstration of just who is alpha around here. (What kind of pointed? Well that all depends on how Ozai reacts to being put on his back, now doesn't it? ;)

Lightning at Sea AU - May I inquire as to what certain freedom fighters are doing with their time in this 'verse? And if it might involve crossing paths with members of the Fire Nation royal family? (Which members I leave entirely up to you.)

*hey I actually managed something like brevity with this request! yay me!*



Vampatar: Jet (1/2) beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 19:12:43 UTC
He loses his parents when he's eight. To the Fire Nation. It sets the pattern for the rest of his life: he loses everything important to him to the Fire Nation.

Eight-year-old him doesn't think he's a survivor. Eight-year-old him doesn't think much of anything. He just... gets by. He learns to steal so he has bread, and sometimes the soldiers will give him food because even though he's Earth Kingdom and they're Fire, they're-

(not all monsters.)

So he follows them, and one of them carries him when he gets too tired to walk, and he hates it. But he's a kid, and this is too close to the fighting for a kid alone to live.

The first people who teaches him how to fight are Fire Nation soldiers.

("If you're going to be ours, you need to know how to fight." "Those who don't live by the sword can still die upon it." "Little ember, you were born in the wrong nation."He hates them with a child's hate, and he runs away half the time, but he always comes back, and they're happy to see him. He thinks, though, that if he never came back, they ( ... )


Vampatar: Jet (2/2) beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 19:13:12 UTC
"Do you earthbend?" Thanh asks one day when Jet is sixteen.

"Nah," Jet says, chewing on a piece of grass. "Parents hoped I would, but I didn't."

"Good." That seems to be that as far as the vampire is concerned, but Jet has long since stopped letting Thanh dictate when conversations were over.


"I don't turn 'benders. They're too much trouble."

Jet grins for the rest of the week. He's going to be a vampire someday!


He's seventeen when it all goes to hell. Hiding out in a burnt-out village, catching some sleep while Thanh hunts Fire Nation soldiers. His swords are in easy reach, because he's never going to give those beauties up, not ever.

He stirs and partially wakes just before dawn.

There is a roar of fire, and for an instant, Jet is eight again, and his father is dead on the ground.

He hears shouting in the night, and he darts outside.

His new father is dead on the ground.

Thanh was already dead, he tells himself shakily. But Thanh has never looked this bad, this burnt. There are shouts in the distance, but ( ... )


kirin_saga July 2 2009, 03:04:22 UTC
1. TFA. Jetstorm gets cornered by the Decepticons.

2. TFDeadzone. I'm not up to date with what's happening so I don't know exactly what to ask for, but I would like something about Hook.

3. Is it all right to ask for something that is both Animated and Deadzone? Because I thought it'd be interesting to see Jetstorm sent there without his brother.



beckyh2112 July 2 2009, 03:05:53 UTC
re: #3, interestingly enough, we've got Jetfire there without his brother.


wingus July 2 2009, 03:37:54 UTC
As Deadzone's resident Springer player, I must say that I love the icon.


Deadzone: Hook beckyh2112 August 27 2009, 20:40:03 UTC
It wasn't that Hook objected to building a gun-rack for the sniper rifle to sleep in Engineering. Gun-racks, after all, were simple and soothing to build and the parts could also be used for whacking idiot Seekers over the head. Unfortunately, Starscream objected to such treatment with his null-rays, Starfighter just cringed and looked wounded, and Duskwing looked even more confused than usual.

Once the gun-rack was built and installed, Eye-Fire was perfectly happy to curl up there in rifle-mode. Hook was perfectly happy to have him there as well. For some reason, a sniper rifle in arm's reach of him made his patients so much more biddable.


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