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Avatar: LaS: Toph and Zuko beckyh2112 August 25 2009, 00:29:11 UTC
The next big hurdle came when Zuko was too tired to properly deal with it. It was also invitingly soft and bed-like. It was, in fact, Toph's bed, and Zuko was about ready to fall into it.

He grumbled vaguely and stripped off his armor, getting ready to curl up on the floor at the foot of the bed. It wouldn't be comfortable, but life wasn't comfortable ( ... )


Re: Avatar: LaS: Toph and Zuko spyridona August 25 2009, 03:59:12 UTC
What a honeymoon. I love how awkward Zuko is with Toph, he refuses to let himself be comfortable due to that. She has to mother him. It's cute. ^_^

You can also see the difference between canon!Zuko and LaS!Zuko but can see the traits both aspects share.


Re: Avatar: LaS: Toph and Zuko suzukiblu August 25 2009, 06:08:57 UTC
TOKO. <333

Oh Zuko, you are so very awkward, even when you're not actually being awkward at all and are really just being chivalrous and as close to cool as you get. Too bad Toph is the last girl in the WORLD to appreciate chivalry. <<

I am so impressed and pleased with your characterization of Zuko here--Spyri's right, I can see canon and noncanon aspects to his character, and what I love most about AUs is a well-struck balance between those. Which means, of course, that LaS Zuko and LaS Toph are both full of WIN and while being the themselves that I love are still exactly what I love about CANON Toko, too. *griiins*


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