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Ani: Sentinel Prime and Wreck-Gar beckyh2112 July 19 2009, 20:46:42 UTC
"Shoot me now," Sentinel Prime demanded as he fell into his berth.

Jazz glanced over at him before returning his attention to the cadet dossiers. With both Prowl and Master Yokotron gone, it was up to the black-and-white cyberninja to train the next generation. "Sorry, man, I don't like you that much."

Sentinel ignored him. The two of them had a long-lasting friendship built on largely ignoring what each other said. "This is some sort of insane punishment! That's the only reason Optimus forced me to take this guy on! He's trying to get me back for all those times I pulled his aft out of the fire!"

"Yep." Jazz thought Sentinel might be onto something there, really, once you weeded out all the Sentinel-delusions. Well, if it were anybody but Optimus, Sentinel would be onto something.

But Jazz thought Optimus Magnus might kinda sorta actually believe that Sentinel trained good Autobot troops.

Jazz thought Optimus Magnus might be kinda sorta be actually pretty damn crazy, except evidence and records suggested he was right"So what's ( ... )


Re: Ani: Sentinel Prime and Wreck-Gar liona_skycat July 19 2009, 21:24:32 UTC
*cackle* Thank you! XD That was fun. Oh man, I love jazz. Poor, grumpy Sentinel, he's just not used to training heroes! *snerk*


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