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Vampatar: Jet (1/2) beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 19:12:43 UTC
He loses his parents when he's eight. To the Fire Nation. It sets the pattern for the rest of his life: he loses everything important to him to the Fire Nation.

Eight-year-old him doesn't think he's a survivor. Eight-year-old him doesn't think much of anything. He just... gets by. He learns to steal so he has bread, and sometimes the soldiers will give him food because even though he's Earth Kingdom and they're Fire, they're-

(not all monsters.)

So he follows them, and one of them carries him when he gets too tired to walk, and he hates it. But he's a kid, and this is too close to the fighting for a kid alone to live.

The first people who teaches him how to fight are Fire Nation soldiers.

("If you're going to be ours, you need to know how to fight." "Those who don't live by the sword can still die upon it." "Little ember, you were born in the wrong nation."He hates them with a child's hate, and he runs away half the time, but he always comes back, and they're happy to see him. He thinks, though, that if he never came back, they ( ... )


Vampatar: Jet (2/2) beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 19:13:12 UTC
"Do you earthbend?" Thanh asks one day when Jet is sixteen.

"Nah," Jet says, chewing on a piece of grass. "Parents hoped I would, but I didn't."

"Good." That seems to be that as far as the vampire is concerned, but Jet has long since stopped letting Thanh dictate when conversations were over.


"I don't turn 'benders. They're too much trouble."

Jet grins for the rest of the week. He's going to be a vampire someday!


He's seventeen when it all goes to hell. Hiding out in a burnt-out village, catching some sleep while Thanh hunts Fire Nation soldiers. His swords are in easy reach, because he's never going to give those beauties up, not ever.

He stirs and partially wakes just before dawn.

There is a roar of fire, and for an instant, Jet is eight again, and his father is dead on the ground.

He hears shouting in the night, and he darts outside.

His new father is dead on the ground.

Thanh was already dead, he tells himself shakily. But Thanh has never looked this bad, this burnt. There are shouts in the distance, but ( ... )


Re: Vampatar: Jet (2/2) calicojane July 15 2009, 06:31:06 UTC
You made me cry and I love you for it. <3

Oh Jet, baby, you really never stood a chance, did you? You were broken too young, and never got the time and care you needed to put the pieces back together. (Though maybe if someone hadn't gotten all grabby...)

Really, what the hell Thanh? Even by vampire standards I don't think abducting an already-traumatized kid to be your sidekick in killing people can be considered kosher. It's like the most fucked-up version of Batman and Robin ever! Even more fucked-up than the variations Frank Miller comes up with, and believe me, that's really fucked-up.

Of course, that is what makes this brilliant.

"Jet grins for the rest of the week. He's going to be a vampire someday!" I... I just... Jet... *clings to little-Jet and little-Azula and even LaS!Ozai and cries for the children who are made into monsters before they ever have a chance to be human*



Re: Vampatar: Jet (2/2) beckyh2112 July 15 2009, 15:57:35 UTC
Awwww. Thought, I'm... kind of glad I made you cry, because that means I did a really good job.

I like to think that if Jet had stayed with his Fire Nation squad, he'd have turned out all right. He'd still run off to be an Earth Kingdom warrior, but it's Jet. (Also, this history is not quite "canonical" with my normal Jet-history, even without the vampire. It happens several decades earlier for one thing.)

... Yeah. Vampires? Vampires are not too good with kids. Also, it's my inherent belief that you can't be someone who feeds on other sapient beings without eventually becoming something of a jackass.

*cuddles gently*


Re: Vampatar: Jet (2/2) moonys_autumn July 26 2010, 05:59:24 UTC
You made me want to... hug Jet? I am not sure you know the kind of miracle you hath wrought. o.o I love the set-up and am looking forward to reading more when it is not nearly 2:00 AM (though that does seem an appropriate time for reading vampire stories).


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