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Deadzone: Scourge/Ultra Magnus beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 03:40:37 UTC
"I don't see the point of this," Scourge rumbled as he slid dark fingers between the panes of Ultra Magnus's windshield. His white mirror's optics brightened and his fists clenched and jerked against the restraints.

"You are investigating the extent of his similarities to yourself, Scourge," Shockwave intoned.

No, I'm not. Scourge could crack Ultra Magnus open if that was what he wanted to investigate. Instead he was touching gently at places Shockwave specified, making the white truck's optics climb towards blinding bright and his thrashing grow more tense and controlled ( ... )


Re: Deadzone: Scourge/Ultra Magnus air_n_darkness July 14 2009, 03:46:25 UTC
*pounces and loves and keeps you*

I think that captures them perfectly, and this makes me ver' happy. Thank you.


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