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Deadzone: Slingshot and First Aid beckyh2112 July 14 2009, 00:15:39 UTC

"Hello, Slingshot."

"You need anything?"

"No, I'm all right."



"Good morning, Slingshot."

"You need anything?"

"If you could carry these supplies to the ship, I'd appreciate it."




"Would you like a cube, Slingshot?"

"Sure. You need anything?"

"I... don't think so."

"Thanks for the cube."

"You're welcome. Um. We're leaving tomorrow."


"Are you still rooming with Skyblast and Oracle?"

"Think so."

"... That's good."



"Hello, Slingshot."

"You need- Mmph!"

"Yes. That."


Re: Deadzone: Slingshot and First Aid air_n_darkness July 14 2009, 01:25:17 UTC
*giggles and fluffles them*


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