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DZ: First Aid and Bumblebee beckyh2112 July 13 2009, 23:59:55 UTC
"I'm not sure what to make of this," First Aid informed his patient as he worked his tools in the other mech's throat. "We replaced your vocoder just last week. It shouldn't look like this."

Bumblebee lay still as First Aid pulled out the damaged vocoder. It looked much like the one he'd pulled out the week before - crushed and corroded, partially fused by damage, heat, and time. It didn't look as purely ancient as the other vocoder had been, but it was clearly mimicking the damages.

//i know,// Bumblebee said over the radio, his 'voice' flat and emotionless.

To First Aid, it sounded even more alien than the Gillanese language he caught on broadcasts now and then. Transformers weren't supposed to sound that way at all.

"I can replace it," he offered to Bumblebee. "But I don't know what caused this. It's entirely possible it will happen again ( ... )


Re: DZ: First Aid and Bumblebee liona_skycat July 14 2009, 00:19:25 UTC
Aw, poor 'Bee! I wish to hug him. And give him a Sam.


Re: DZ: First Aid and Bumblebee kyra_neko_rei October 1 2009, 01:01:07 UTC
Hmmmm, interesting. Poor Bee always gets the short end of the vocalizer stick, it seems.


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