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DZ: Starscream/Thundercracker beckyh2112 July 13 2009, 00:13:47 UTC
This Starscream is not Thundercracker's Starscream.

They look the same from dark helm to silver wings to blue feet, they speak with the same distinctive voice, their histories are almost the same.


But almost isn't close enough, it turns out.

Almost means the one time he tries to run his fingers along the edge of Starscream's wing, he finds himself null-rayed and left to drop on the floor.

Almost means Starscream has no interest in anyone, except for their use in making him the greatest Decepticon leader in history.

Almost means Thundercracker is completely, painfully alone.


Re: DZ: Starscream/Thundercracker dragoness_e July 13 2009, 01:09:13 UTC
Aww! Poor TC!


Re: DZ: Starscream/Thundercracker kyra_neko_rei July 13 2009, 01:42:48 UTC

*pets Thundercracker*


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