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Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 9 2009, 23:50:29 UTC
Azulon died in his bed, poisoned by a beautiful woman. As deaths went, he found that one rather enjoyable, especially since he'd gotten a handful of Ursa's behind before he finished expiring.

The next six years in the Fire Nation palace were exceedingly boring. Ursa left, Ozai usurped the throne, Iroh was depressed, and the grandchildren did grandchildren-like things that Azulon mostly ignored in favor of the servant women.

Ozai, sadly, got rid of the concubines. His younger son either bought into the ascetic sage nonsense or was obsessively in love with his wife. Neither option entirely thrilled Azulon, but he'd always known Ozai was a mistake.

After Sozin's Comet, the situation changed. His son, of course, utterly fumbled actually winning the War, but the Fire Nation palace was full of exotic, beautiful women. Azulon was willing to be magnanimous and overlook Ozai's general ineptitude ( ... )


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost dark_puck July 9 2009, 23:55:09 UTC
*dies dies and dies again* I love you. Have I mentioned this? I need a sex[y] icon.

It's just-- so Azulon. Such a horndog. Master cockbender indeed! One can only wonder how many other royal bastards you've spread across the world.

Also I still think Katara immediately followed waterbending the ghost by barging in on Zuko and Mai and screaming at him about being molested by a ghost. Because LULZ.


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 01:05:51 UTC
You have! But I like hearing it. I think that icon is plenty sexy.

Azulon does so love the ladies. Very much. In fact, the Avatar ladies should be happy he's dead because then they don't have to worry about pregnancy.

That would lead to major LULZ.


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost dark_puck July 10 2009, 01:21:28 UTC
This one is plenty sexy too. So maybe a nonfandom icon.


Everything must be done in the name of lulz. *marks down for her prompt list*


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 01:34:53 UTC
... Oh. God. SPIRITBABIES. ALL THREE OF THEM. (Not Haru, for obvious reasons. And not Katara, because she had no sex with him.)

I fear your prompt list.


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost dark_puck July 10 2009, 01:41:53 UTC
Of course one wonders how Spiritbabies would even WORK. D:



Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost spyridona July 10 2009, 00:45:11 UTC
Especially since he'd gotten a handful of Ursa's behind before he finished expiring.
Well, that's a nice way of seeing your death and ghosthood.

He'd always known Ozai was a mistake.
I laughed too loudly at that. Gee, Azulon, tell us how you really feel?

I shouldn't be enjoying this drabble as nearly as much as I did, but his flippant nature and just... everything worked very well.


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 01:07:56 UTC
Well, it's not like he can do much about it. And yeah, Azulon doesn't care much for Ozai. At all.

I like writing Azulon around women. He... enjoys them. A lot. Which makes him so very much more pleasant than when he's dealing with Ozai. ^__^

(Also, woman, tell me you have LJlogin to help with switching IDs all the time?)


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost spyridona July 10 2009, 01:28:10 UTC
This just cements my beliefs Ozai should have been born a girl. Then his daddy wouldn't have been as bad. (Why am I getting deja vu? *glances at your fics*)

It's... almost kinda hard for me to think of young Azulon. I go all 'yeeech!' when I think about him molesting pretty girls. Like a long haired Mr. Burns, he is.

(... ... ... no. I did not until you mentioned it. Where has this BEEN all my life? I've been journal RPing for YEARS.)


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 01:33:20 UTC
You know, I've never considered Ozai as a girl, but I have had the thought that Ozai would have been happier if Zuko was born a girl. (I do not know, why are you getting deja vu?)

I had to write him for a Vampatar ficlet, which led to finding out he's a womanizer. A bit of a jerky one, but hey, Azulon.

(I've been wondering. It's the most useful Firefox add-on I've ever found.)


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost spyridona July 10 2009, 01:39:28 UTC
A daddy who hates his son (who so desperately wanted his father’s acceptance for a long) might like the kid better if the boy was a girl. *nods*

Well, I’m sure he had to do something after capturing so much territory in the Earth Kingdom for kicks and giggles.

(I’m just ultra, ultra old school and logged in or hit the ‘sign in as someone else’ option. I'm sulking at folks who knew about it for years.)


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 02:03:30 UTC
Arghlebarghle, I want to show you what I have written of my "history of Ozai" fic. I mean, it is so VERY VERY FAR from done, but I want to show you anyway.

And while on the campaign. All those pretty green-eyed women.


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost spyridona July 10 2009, 02:14:57 UTC
*Purr!* I would love to see it, very much! I could give my email via pm?

I'm amusing myself with the idea of green eyed firebenders, though gold seems to be more dominate in genes. Or so I would suspect?


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 02:18:22 UTC
Yes, please!

I am not sure how many of the green-eyed ones wind up as firebenders. I tend to do 'bending as a general ability with which specific type you use based on things like when you're born, where you're born, and your family line. So probably there are a number of strong earthbenders in the Earth Kingdom who can trace their family line to the Fire Nation royals. >_> (And there's at least one feral airbender who can.)


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost spyridona July 10 2009, 02:29:44 UTC
Yay! *sent*

I had some fun with a friend of mine, kaisertsar_kris. We kept babbling about Toko Sprog and about the FUN the court would have if Toph's first born happened to be an EARTHBENDER.

We predicted the court would be in mass panic and worry and demands for them to try again.

(Ketsu? Forgive me, I don't know how to spell his name off the bat.)


Re: Avatar: Azulon's Ghost beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 02:34:14 UTC
Okay, sent you Ozai fic. I covet comments.

Hah, that would be fun. ^__^

(No, not Ketu. Ketu has a very simple family history - Mama was raped by a Fire Nation soldier. Also, he's too young to be Azulon sprog.

Jae Hwa is the one. It's actually her grandmother who is directly an Azulon sprog.)


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