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Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (1/2 beckyh2112 July 9 2009, 19:35:49 UTC
I kind of went insane with the emphasis on words in this.


It's not that Zuko meant to get pregnant.

Mao told her that was her second mistake. For an only son, Mao knew a lot about the way girls worked. It probably came from traveling with Azula and Ty Lee for months and months with no other company. Months and months of just him and the gorgeous, perky, friendly Ty Lee and her flexibility and perky breasts and her tendency to hang all over Zuko's boyfriend ( ... )


Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 9 2009, 19:36:10 UTC
As Fire Nation men went, Mao was quiet and dark, a seeming absence of fire easily missed among all the others. It made people forget that he was still Fire. Jealousy and possessiveness ran deep in people of the Fire Nation. And this *bastard*, whoever he was, had obviously incapacitated Zuko because there was no way in the Nine Freezing Hells his girlfriend would let someone do this to her.

A knife dropped into Mao's hand from his wrist-sheath, and he threw it with an utter clarity of intent and searing red rage he had never felt before. It caught the strange man in the shoulder, making him curse and duck away from Zuko, reach for and draw a pair of hooked swords.

Zuko sat there and looked stunned. Mao couldn't pick out what the stranger had done to incapacitate the Firelord, but it had to have been something bad.

Or, if Zuko was willing to let this guy fondle her, Mao was still within his rights to put a knife through his shoulder ( ... )


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) weirdlet July 9 2009, 19:49:07 UTC

Oh, this is different from what I expected and utterly awesome. I may need to illustrate this.


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 9 2009, 19:56:50 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Mao kind of took over and ran away with things when I started thinking about how a male!Mai would behave.

I'd be all kinds of delighted if you did illustrate it. ^_^


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) weirdlet July 9 2009, 20:39:27 UTC
^^ Just the other day I did a boy!Mai- http://weirdlet.deviantart.com/art/Avatar-Genderbending-128819993

This is going to be *fun*...


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 9 2009, 20:43:59 UTC
Oooh, shiny. *pets it* My Mao tends to do his hair drawn back in a bun with hairsticks/sharp-pointies holding it in place. Outfit's a lot like Mai's, except his bad-ass long coat is more obviously a bad-ass long coat. Also, kukri.

*peeks over Weirdlet's shoulder*


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) weirdlet July 10 2009, 05:46:16 UTC
Here is pic. If I try to color this I'll go mad.



Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 05:50:04 UTC
Eeeeeeeeee! *claps in delight*

I will try to actually say something coherent about it tomorrow, but eeeeeeee!


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) weirdlet July 10 2009, 05:51:05 UTC

eeeing is good.


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) suzukiblu July 10 2009, 03:59:52 UTC
. . . DDDDD: You're so mean. Where's the REST?


Also, Mao is bloodier than Mai, I see. o__o Poor Jet.

I loooove jealous!Zuko opening up at the beginning and being all cranky at Ty Lee and squicking herself out over Azula and boiling her tea over. <3 Also, turtleducks. TURTLEDUCKS ARE TOTES THE HEAL-ALL OF AVATAR. YOU KNOW SONG USES THEIR TINY FEET AND BEAKS IN ALL HER MEDICINES.

I also really liked Zuko thinking about Reasons For Sleeping With Aang, but I wish there'd been more about that too. *pouts a bit* Come ON, it's so glorious and WRONG and you SKIMMED it. Not even any mentions of Katara-twitchery. *could write a THESIS on Katara's reaction to her sort-of boyfriend knocking up the Fire Lord*

Jealous ex Jet, meanwhile = FTW for life. Although I DO have to wonder how he not only got into the palace, but didn't recognize the Fire Lord gear. XD (Zuko not punting him off immediately = DOUBLE ftw.)


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 04:25:46 UTC
There is NO REST! (semithreewaysexofmakeup. Man, you have no idea how tempted I was for this to end with Jet and Mao rolling around on the grass, and Zuko going "ooh".)

Mao is damn tired of people trying to steal his girlfriend. SOKKA. JET. AANG.

Heh. You know Ty Lee would be all over Mao like white on rice, if she had him instead of Mai. She does like the boys so very, very much. And of course Zuko knows this. ... The mental image of Song using turtleduck parts in her medicine is making my inner!Zuko flail. Wemustinflictitonhim.

Seriously, the reasons basically came down to "WHOO, WE JUST SAVED THE WORLD!". Besides, that's what skimming is over. Making it look like there's more depth than there actually is. (And, yeah, should have touched on Katara's reactions to this.)

*ruffles Jet* He got in because he's that good. (Zuko still thinks Jet is hot awesome. Also, she thought he was dead. Sokka said he was dead!)


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) suzukiblu July 10 2009, 04:29:09 UTC
(Man, you have no idea how much I regret that it did NOT.)


Yes, yes we must. <333

(And since WHEN do we listen to Sokka? Saves a girl from prison ONCE and suddenly he's the know-it-all? IT'S NOT OKAY TO GET A NEW BOYFRIEND JUST ON SOKKA'S SAY-SO, ZUKO.)


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 04:31:24 UTC
Mao's on top.

Of course, that assumes Jet was ever actually Zuko's boyfriend. I think Jet thinks he was, but I do not think Ba Sing Se!refugee!Zuko was capable of having a romantic relationship.

Also, Mao also weighed in on the "get a new boyfriend" thing. Much more convincingly than Sokka.


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) suzukiblu July 10 2009, 04:40:07 UTC
Well, OBVIOUSLY. *snickers. also, LOVES FOREVER for that mental image*

I don't know if refugee!Zuko was clever enough to NOT have a relationship either, though. << Even if she didn't realize she was having one at the time I SWEAR SONG COULD HAVE JUMPED THE BOY AND HE WOULD HAVE MISSED THE SIGNS.

I bet he DID, yes. >>


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) beckyh2112 July 10 2009, 04:49:01 UTC
What mental image? *innocent*

See, I'm not sure what to think of a relationship where one party is sure it's there, and the other doesn't realize it is. (Mmm, Zuko/Song girlsex. Uncle Iroh would approve.)

"Zuko, I betrayed your sister, defied your father, and gave up having sex with Ty Lee every night so I could be with you. I will personally cut anyone who looks at you covetously. I am yours."


Re: Avatar: preggers!girl!Zuko (2/2) suzukiblu July 10 2009, 05:04:52 UTC

It's a WEIRD relationship, but it's a relationship. Just because people don't label it at the time or quite realize how they're acting doesn't mean they aren't acting that way, you know? (. . . I am concerned by the idea of his approval in this case, but also totally behind the idea of this girlsex.)

Ahahahahahahahahaha. <333 (things girl!Zuko does NOT REGRET: Ty Lee going to Kyoshi Island FOREVER KTHNXBAI)


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