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Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 01:44:41 UTC
General How and Minister Long Feng are not equals. No general has the power and influence of a minister, nor ever will. It is simply the nature of the Earth Kingdom, and if How were a man who cared about power, he would not be where he is today ( ... )


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 7 2009, 19:58:13 UTC
Woman, I cannot read any of your stuff because I degrade to a squeeing little fangirl over obscure characters getting love.

How is a good man, and Long Feng is many things but he is not a man of perversion, no matter what rumors say.

I'm so pleased about this little detail. Not all the Nations are accepting of homosexuality. I think the only culture that could have been open about it were the Air Nomads, though sex was probably frowned upon no matter the sexuality once they became a Monk or Nun.


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 20:54:42 UTC
Awwwww. *purrs and twines around* That kind of compliment makes me happy. ^_^

Obscure characters are so fun to write. Since my other fic for gigabomb is from How's pov, he's been on my brain a lot lately. Also, Ba Sing Se and its politics (specifically, the Dai Li, but the Army is coming to join the fun in headspace too) are my other huge "OMG SO AWESOME" thing besides Ozai. *grins*

I happen to think the Fire Nation is, if only because I think the Fire Nation accepts fire as the element of passion. So there is a lot of "SEX! WHOO!" about things with them. (Okay, it is more complicated than that, but the basic gist is "SEX! WHOO!" Also, I am really enamored with the idea that the gender of one's partner isn't important but specific sex acts are, at least as far as taboo goes.)


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 7 2009, 21:21:45 UTC
Now I really have to see the second half of S2 again. I cannot remember how one of the highest ranking military members of the Army got bamboozled with the whole ‘There is no War’. If the army knew, why aren’t they being questioned with treason to the Earth King by not telling him? *Whines, and hates it when she misses those details besides Iroh stuff.*

I’m catching ‘Awesome Dai Li’ stuff room you and dark_puck, I swear. Heck, the only GROUP of people I really liked was the FST and I haven’t bothered giving key members personalities… though I do puzzle over a few things related to the FST ( ... )


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 21:27:21 UTC
I assume he wasn't bamboozled, but was told not to bring it up with Kuei. There's something Pux suggested to me once that I've always wanted to do something with... Long Feng putting off and putting off telling Kuei about the War, because Kuei is just a boy, and then later, well, he's still too young, and even later, well, he'll ask questions about why he wasn't told before and it's not hurting him not to know, and still later, well, he doesn't need to know, at least one person can be happy, no one needs to tell him.

Pux and I really like the Dai Li. ^__^ FST? Fire something-something?

You are clearly me. And yes, the Roman view was how I was looking at it. Which is why Ozai preferring to bottom is a very upsetting thing to Iroh.


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 7 2009, 21:47:36 UTC
So, Long Feng being more fatherly in his intentions at first? That could work and it gets... changed a little bit, over time. I do like the fatherly take of Long Feng over most takes of the guy ( ... )


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 21:54:18 UTC
Yes. He does become Kuei's chief advisor when the boy ascends to the throne at about four. It is hard not to be fatherly. Also, I like fatherly Long Feng. He makes me happy.

Aaaah, them! They are neat. I have been toying with them some for LaS, which I think will turn out interestingly. *listens to Spyri* That is an interesting idea...

You are still clearly me. Except my Ozai enjoys penetration and giving head. I am not entirely sure why, beyond "he just does". Being on top also makes him happy. He is very switch. I suspect if he were less confident in his power, he'd be much more top about things. (To be fair, Iroh only worries about this when Ozai is in his late-teens, early twenties. Then Ozai has Ursa, and Iroh has the War.)


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 7 2009, 22:41:17 UTC
I like keeping unpleasant things away from characters. *nods ( ... )


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 23:26:38 UTC
I like your Hakoda icon. *scritches him*

Man, that is awesome. I want to show you something I did for the Foggy Swamp Tribe in LaS, but it is intensely spoileriffic for things that have not happened yet.

I like you having options! Which prompts?


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 8 2009, 00:13:37 UTC
I need more Hakoda icons. He really is a favorite. And that's saying a lot.

I will wait patiently. *Hops on foot to foot. EE! FST!!!* I do want to write a small ficlet dealing with culture shock with the FST and the SWT post-War. Namely the fact the women don't wear shirts, I get funny images of Sokka can't help but looking and the adult members staring every where else but those women. And the women get VERY grumpy about not being looked at in the eye. .

Right now... I should petition an Ozai/Ursa fic from you. Pre-marriage. The prompt is secrets?

The last one... I'm SAVING. If that's okay?


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 8 2009, 00:32:18 UTC
Hakoda is kind of amazing. Not my favorite, but I don't think I could point out any single character as my favorite.

I want to see this ficlet. ^_^

Hm, can you toss that in as a top-level comment? It'll make things more organized for me.


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 8 2009, 01:08:18 UTC
... I have too many. Good thing is, I can't say I really hate any character in Avatar.

I will, just for Bato's reaction at the least.

I did! :D


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone beckyh2112 July 8 2009, 01:19:17 UTC
I can't think of any I hate either. And I suppose my fic shows an obvious trend in who I really, really love.

Bato's reaction would be priceless. Though I do recall a female FST in Day of Black Sun who wasn't topless. Otoh, they were also not in the swamp and going to war, so that might have just been an army thing. (When Zuko meets Kekaru, she's wearing a skirt and necklaces. Zuko flails. No, I'm not telling you who Kekaru is just yet.)



Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 8 2009, 20:17:37 UTC
If she knows Duo and Tho or has a catgator, I know I'm going to like her. :D

Zuko, darling, you're pretty. Get over the fact people are going to want to do awful things to you, notably when you're SO much fluffier in this AU.


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone weirdlet July 7 2009, 21:59:35 UTC
Possibly the whole 'bringing the light of our civilization to the benighted wilderness as well as gaining the benefits of their lands' thing? The Fire Nation seemed- eminently practical in their conquests, for the most part, until Ozai went all Caligular. Or possibly Neroic.


Re: Avatar: Anyone/Anyone spyridona July 7 2009, 22:42:02 UTC
Ozai as Neroic... that works better. He's not that hedonistic in canon.


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