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LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family beckyh2112 July 6 2009, 20:25:43 UTC
Zolena ran a brush through Ozai's hair, working at the tangles his travels with Lu Ten and Ketu put in there. She had no idea why he wore his hair long when he hardly seemed to take care of it, but it was his choice, and Ozai had so few choices in his life.

Someone obviously did take care of his hair, and knowing her son, it wasn't Lu Ten. Which left Ozai's rogue Air Nomad, and she didn't find that surprising. The rogues all styled and treated their hair with great care, even more than the care they showed to the henna patterns on their hands.

Hairbrushing was soothing, and Azula had decided that as a thirteen-year-old princess, she was much too old for her aunt to brush her hair. Her hair should only be done by maids or her own hands. Or her mother's hands, Zolena thought but did not say when Azula informed her of this ( ... )


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family gigabomb July 7 2009, 02:32:30 UTC
Hurray for a moment of happiness! God knows these people could use it. I'm pleased that Iroh's wife lives in this universe and that she and Ozai appear to get along and have some trust between them (hell, the whole family seems to be about ten times more functional than they are in canon, and how sad is that?). Ozai's neon "DON'T ATTACK" sign above his head was also kind of funny, albeit in a sad way. It's interesting that Zolena doesn't consider a possible cause of Zuko's weak fire being that his father "isn't a bender," unless of course she knows about the deception, being the Firelady and everything. Eight years since seeing Ozai and two years since seeing Lu Ten is... ouch. I suppose the lack of issues in the family makes sense if they never see each other.

I'm curious as to how Zuko got his scar in this universe, though it seems like something you'll explore later so I won't ask. But another thing I'm curious about is this line: Between that and Azula, losing his mother and gaining his scar, Zuko always struck Zolena as so ( ... )


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 02:47:48 UTC
Have I mentioned that I love your replies? You do such in-depth ones that you're almost spoiling me. ^_^

Zolena is in on Ozai being a firebender, for various important reasons we'll get into when it comes time to cover how Iroh became the Firelord. Zuko's scar will also be covered later on in the story-arc I've got planned. (I just need to actually advance said story-arc, but that won't be for a bit yet. Still debating doing one last "pre-series" fic with the rogue Air Nomads and the Fire Nation royals before starting on "Taken at the Flood".)

It hasn't come up yet because we haven't dealt with her much, but LaS!Azula isn't hugely different from normalverse!Azula. She and Zuko still have a somewhat painful rivalry going on.

You're welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family gigabomb July 7 2009, 05:06:17 UTC
Well, you're writing fic on my request, so the least I can do is show how much I appreciate it.

Both of those stories sound like very interesting ones, and I'm totally for you doing one last "pre-series" fic featuring the rogue Air Nomads and the Fire Nation royals, if only because I love how they interact.

Well, that makes sense. Hell, in a war-torn 'verse like Lightning at Sea, her violent tendencies are probably even more encouraged (and not even just solely by Ozai, or by Ozai at all, really, seeing as he doesn't seem to know his children very well in this verse).


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 17:56:15 UTC
*adores quietly and keeps forever*

Also, doing another "pre-series" fic means I get to introduce Jee and Nima! And Jae Hwa and Tashi! *is very excitable about getting to introduce characters, okay?* But first, I have a chapter to finish for another fic, and I am babbling.

I figure it also sharpened her paranoid tendencies. (Ozai... has issues. Many, many issues. I'm not sure I'll ever get to go into them all, because while LaS has more of the adults than the 'toon, it's still about the kids.)


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family spyridona July 7 2009, 20:04:34 UTC
Iroh's wife!

I see she's quite the motherly type herself. I've always seen that in my mind's eye, though my headcanon of Iroh's wife didn't have her as wise as Zolena is and didn't like Ozai one bit. I remember you mentioning this name in one of your comments and I kept wondering who it was. I really like the motherly and simple method of brushing Ozai's hair and just being so... so maternal. *Loves seeing how other characters are seen by different people.*

Poor LaS!Ozai, he strikes me as such a wounded animal with a good measure of autism thrown in. And oddly, he's less of a danger to his children in here than he is in regular canon.

Very, very simple but sweet piece, it's heart breaking.


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 21:46:23 UTC
Yus. I lurve Zolena. *ruffles her* Going to have to kill her off in normal'verse, because she has to be dead by this time in normal'verse or we would have seen her.

My Zolena likes Ozai in normal'verse, but a lot of that is she watched him grow up. After all, she and Iroh were married not too many years after Ozai was born, and her own son is only five years younger than Ozai.

LaS!Ozai... Mmmm. He's broken in some very fundamental ways.

"I was raised apart, publicly touted as a sickly child so my father would have an excuse for why people rarely saw me. Everyone believed it, because they also said I did not firebend ( ... )


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family (SIGH) spyridona July 7 2009, 22:02:08 UTC
Yumi just couldn't stand Ozai, he was an aggressive little boy though a lot of that came from Azulon's neglect and Ilah's disinterest of ANOTHER little boy. (Ilah REALLY wanted a little girl.)

Though I do see Ozai befriending a Lu Ten that's closer to his age than one MUCH younger than he is. That's the case with my shared headcanon. An older Ozai was too resentful of a younger next-to-be-crown prince to ever befriend him.

Zuko, though, ADORED Lu Ten.

*Wibble. Gets LaS!Ozai chicken soup.* It's confirmed, Azulon's a bastard no matter what you do with him.


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family (SIGH) beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 22:07:40 UTC
I really need to finish my history of Ozai fic. Sadly, I am barely through his first decade there, so it'll be a while yet. But it's been interesting to work on. /she says, seemingly apropos of nothing

Yeah, my Ozai and Lu Ten are BFFs. Well, as much as they can be, which is quite a lot more than Ozai is with hardly any other of the characters I've thrown him with. (Though there is Geming, who cannot smack Ozai when Ozai is being stupid unlike Lu Ten, but whom Ozai will listen to more than he will to Lu Ten. But this is only interesting when I actually write something with Geming in it.)

Yeah, Azulon is a bastard. *cuddles LaS!Ozai because human contact makes him much more functional and happy*


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family (SIGH) spyridona July 7 2009, 22:51:59 UTC
... *nudges you to write this, nao.*


Re: LaS: Fire Nation Royal Family (SIGH) beckyh2112 July 7 2009, 23:08:02 UTC
Working on Dai Li political shenanigans and DotM. It is something I do work on, but that fic is definitely on the backburner compared to others.


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