Title: Conduct Unbecoming Characters: Beta, Ultra Magnus Word Count: 1026 Rating: PG Summary: Ultra Magnus disciplines one of his Academy trainers for an affair with a student of hers.
I'm thinking of writing a fic that would take place before this story about their actual affair, but that will probably come after I polish off some G1 stories first.
I missed the first episode of TF:A, but I heard that Optimus either nearly or did indeed get himself drummed out of the academy...interesting take on exactly why. I liked seeing Optimus as younger than Elita, she his "Mrs. Robinson," if you will. Nicely done.
*pops in from apathocles' journal* Wow -- that was great, and I love the take on how Optimus got himself kicked out of the academy. I love the way you've characterised Elita, too :) Thanks for the read!
Comments 26
I'm thinking of writing a fic that would take place before this story about their actual affair, but that will probably come after I polish off some G1 stories first.
I've been hearing the "Mrs. Robinson" comparison a lot since I started talking about this idea. Maybe I ought to watch that movie.
Glad you liked it!
I also approve of the Kup design you linked to, although I am a little worried about the relatively sane dimensions of his chin. :D
('In my day, we didn't need no slaggin' fancy chins....')
Elita One was way fun to write. Am planning to do another fic with her where I actually, oh, describe what she looks like.
Elita was fun to write. Someday, in a future fic, she will get to pull out her guns. ^__^
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