(no subject)

Feb 19, 2008 22:16

Title: Every One Of Them.
Author: Becky_H
Character(s): Jack, mostly.
Rating: R, for language.
Spoilers Very mild ones for TW S2.
Prompt: Set2Music 37: Thank you for loving me.
Summary: He gets something from all of them.

He gets something from all of them.

Every person he's ever loved.

Every person he's ever fucked.

Every person he's ever let in.

It's got nothing to do with loving more, or loving most. It's just loving and being loved.

It's Gwen's softness and strength, Ianto's humor and pain. It's Tosh's hope and Owen's need. It's John's cruelty, Estelle's wonder and Jack's honor.

They let him be strong, let him be weak, let him need and be needed. They show him the world through new eyes; they show him himself, through a lens of desire.

Every single one of them.

drabble, gen

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